Are you looking to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following? Are you looking for people with the same interest but may have different ideas?
Pinterest has become more than just social media which is why I would want to talk to you about how to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following too. Pinterest is the “go-to” website for DIYers and is the biggest online catalog of most, if not all, ideas about anything that anyone can think of, do or has done.
Some common techniques before were merely completing your Pinterest profile and maybe appealing to pinners with similar and or current thoughts, but along with the changes in technology comes a variety of improvements which you can do to enhance your Pinterest boards and grow your following too.
#1 Adding that Pinterest Follow button
We’ve all heard how optimizing your website does wonders to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following, and one way of doing that is by adding the Pinterest Follow button on your website. Amongst your regular website followers, one or maybe all of those would have a Pinterest account. And if they see something they like, the best way for them to show their appreciation is by clicking on that Pinterest follow button.
And this works both ways, but of course, you have to choose the boards you follow so that you could get interesting content to re-pin on your Pinterest homepage that fits your content.
#2 Connecting other Social Networks
I’m pretty sure that you have other accounts on social-networking sites and it is a big help to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following by bringing in your friends and family and even your other followers from other social-networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ who also have a Pinterest account.
Of course, you could use these other platforms in promoting your own Pinterest boards as well. Sharing is the biggest factor, and with these social-networking platforms, you could do a lot of sharing. While you are sharing your pins and boards, others who like it and are thinking of doing the same will follow suit.
Take your time to find friends from other social-networking platforms with similar interests, check out if they have a Pinterest account, then follow them on Pinterest. And someone will follow you too.
#3 Promoting Individual Boards
Sometimes, if not always, we follow someone in these social-networking sites not because of their profile but on certain topic or boards that may have caught your attention. So instead of promoting your Pinterest profile, try and take note of your popular boards and promote them on Pinterest, other social-networking platforms, and forums or blogs too. But be sure to promote at different times and a variety of boards so as not to satiate your followers so quickly. Leave something for them to look forward to.
#4 Following others
You would have a steady follower rate when you follow more people on a daily basis, since one or more is bound to follow you back. But as mentioned earlier, choose the people you follow and follow those that tackle the same niche or close to it.
Choose profiles that are not dormant and if possible, verified and at 100% completion. Choosing otherwise increase the chance of that profile to be bogus and won’t follow you back.
#5 Having Events or Contests
People enjoy freebies and one way to give out freebies is through social media events or contests. This is also an easy way to attract attention to your profile and improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following by creating contest like looking for the most relevant pin or re-pinning a board on Facebook to garner likes and followers.
These events and or contests will help you determine which of your followers are active or not and makes it easier for you to see who to follow back or not.
#6 Keeping your followers interested and wanting more
One thing you could do is keeping your board organized by sticking to one topic per board. Steer clear of irrelevant shares or re-pins to your board so as not to lose followers.
Organization is the key. Your followers tend to pin or repost your boards because they will one way or another, come back for it or keep it for reference later. If your boards are clutter free, it will surely keep your followers happy, and happy followers help improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following since they would have followers of their own that are happy too.
#7 Strategize Pinning Schedule
Don’t share or re-pin everything in one sitting. Experiment on different pins on different times and different intervals. This could help avoid flooding your followers’ feeds with all of your pins. Be sure to test various pin times and make use of other social-networking platforms to advertise your boards and pins at different times of the day.
The easiest way to test various pin times and to keep a consistent pinning schedule, while still saving precious time is to use social automation tools like JARVEE. What’s more exciting with JARVEE is the extent to which you can automate the little things that take way too much time than we estimate.
For example, you can create a folder where you can add your pins and thanks to the Monitor Folder option in JARVEE, every time you add a new pin it will be automatically added to your campaigns and published to Pinterest. This can be a regular folder or a Dropbox folder. All you have to do is create and add your pins to the designated folder.
That’s just one of the many time-saving options in JARVEE! The best strategy is to explore them all and settle for those that match your needs.
Take inspiration from popular pins and see the timing and perhaps theme of when it was pinned. Rely on research and learn the best times when to do your pinning. Keep improving your posting times until you reach the perfect formula.
#8 Featuring other How-to Profilers to have a network of DIYers
Partnering with other pinners helps improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following simply because it widens your reach so to speak. They could have followers that are also interested in your niche, and a couple is bound to follow you. That’s why the best strategy is to reach Pinterest influencers in your niche. This also helps your guest pinner widen their audience as well. It is a win-win situation for both of you.
#9 Commenting on Popular Pins
Pinterest has a section broadcasting pins that are popularly pinned and repinned or liked on or commented upon. It is best to take advantage of these popular posts by commenting thoughtfully on the topic or liking and repinning these to your own profile.
Refrain from 2-word comments and instead, add some input on the topic showing that you are interested in their pins and not just dropping by to gather followers.
#10 Mentioning others
Another way of sharing your profile or boards is by mentioning others in your pins or re-pins. Their followers will be curious as to who mentioned the person they are following and eventually, someone will click on that follow button on your profile if a post or board interest them.
Wrapping it Up
Keep in mind and don’t forget to add that Pinterest button or Pinterest widget wherever you can. Connect to other social-networking platforms and share, and share a lot to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following. Make use of your network and others as well. Promote your Pinterest boards and others’ boards too.
Host events and contests, and determine your active followers from your dormant ones. And remember to follow back and choose wisely who you follow. Stay within your niche, or close to it. Unless it is your guest profile or your pin and re-pinning partner. Stay organized. Show your followers you care about them. Keep them happy, and wanting more.
“Don’t forget, timing is the key.”
Strategize the schedules of your pins, use automated software or platforms like JARVEE, and be careful not to flood your followers’ feed. Don’t share it in one go. This will greatly help you to improve your Pinterest boards and grow your following.
Leo says
I just recently created Pinterest account for my company and I didn’t even know how much possibilities are there. I was doing just basic stuff on my facebook page. Started slowly, but I’m seeing some results so far 😀 I’m creating my own pins for now, but I found out about great feature in Jarvee to scrape posts from other boards which will come handy when there is no new content and I want to keep my followers interested.
Thank you guys for the tips, they are useful, especially for beginners like me 🙂