With this awesome tool you can visit and revisit desired LinkedIn profiles, plus you can send connection requests to visited profiles if you wish to. You can choose to do all of these three actions, or only one of them, it’s up to you.
Why would you want to visit other people’s Linkedin accounts automatically? Simple – they will get a notification that you visited their profile, most of the people when they see this they will want to see who visited their profile so they will check you out as well and might decide to connect with you.
Re-visiting a profile after a few days will increase the chances of attracting the attention of those people so it’s a good idea to try it, especially if you target people that are very active on LinkedIn.
As for sending a connection request, if you’re doing LinkedIn marketing you should already know why you need to do that and how to do it properly.
Now let’s see how to actually use this great JARVEE tool to send LinkedIn connection requests and visit other people’s profiles!
First of all, go to the Tools tab and click on a LinkedIn profile. After that click on Profile Viewer/Connector.
From the Settings tab, you need to choose how often you want JARVEE to execute actions and how many users you want to extract with each action.
Next you can choose how many times you want JARVEE to visit each of these extracted profiles and after how many days you want to revisit each profile. Re-visiting will make it so the same people notice you again and might check you back and want to to connect.
In the area below you need to set the following:
* maximum number of visits per day
* time of the day when you want this tool to execute actions
* days of the week when you want the profile viewer/connector tool to execute actions
If you check the option from the red box on the above screenshot, you can choose to send connection requests to visited profiles if this is what you want to achieve + you have the option to send connection request after the first visit. If you decide to go with this option, JARVEE won’t visit profiles multiple times.
If you choose to send a connection request, you also need to set maximum number of connections that you want to send per day.
When you have all of the above sorted, it’s time to determine what keyword you want JARVEE to put in the search field on Linkedin when it’s looking for profiles to extract.
It has options to extract 2nd connections and 3rd connections. You can choose one of these options or both.
After you write the keywords, and select which connections you want to extract > you need to click on ADD INPUT.
After this you can start your tool and let it grow your Linkedin connections.
For this Tool you also have the Results tab where you will see the result of the tool’s actions.
In the Results tab, you will see the following:
* date when the profile was extracted,
* the name of the profile,
* how many times JARVEE visited this profile,
* if connection request was sent to this user and
* what keyword JARVEE used to extract each of the profile

That’s pretty much everything you need to know about this tool, set it up, make sure you target the right people and watch your account grow with more and more connections daily.
If you’re looking for information on other JARVEE tools you might want to check out our knowledgebase.
Enjoy, and if you have any questions, comments or improvements ideas don’t hesitate to comment below!
White says
Hey guys,
Can you please make an updated article for this? This one is pretty old now and needs a good refresher.
Adam says
Yes, I know however time is short, I will put it on my to-do list and will try to update it as soon as possible.
Kay says
Is it also possible to leave a personal message after a Connection request? That makes everything so much more interesting and opens directly a chat dialogue with a prospect.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Adam says
At this time no, just send a feature request via our support form so devs take this into consideration for future updates.
will says
HI, I have a personal LinkedIn account and I’ve just set up a Company page. How do I use Jarvee to action on behalf of my company page and not my personal profile? How can I use Jarvee to get more followers for my company page?
Bruce says
LinkedIn is, let’s say it this way: Facebook for Business 🙂 That being said, most things are done by using profiles, not pages. What you actually should do is use Jarvee to get connected with people from your niche, maybe create group and invite them there. Then you can schedule and publish posts on your page and in your group. This should help your business grow.
sadegh says
Excuse me i didn’t understand. Can we schedule the posts by Jarvee? If yes, in which social medias?
Adam says
You can schedule in all social media platforms that we support, yes
Tony says
not sure what date these comments are from so here’s a date stamp 15.01.2020.
can someone advise on these questions please:
1. can i send a message with connection request through Jarvee (asked by another person before but don’t know when)
2. can i use jarvee to send messages to existing connections
Bruce says
We changed tools for LinkedIn a little bit. You can use Connector tool to send connection requests. If you want to send custom message, then just check “Add custom note to the connection request” box.
Yes, you can send message to existing connections. Use Contact tool for that.
kaushal kakadia says
what is the proper import format for LinkedIn contact imports
Bruce says
What user data do you have?