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Promoting your Facebook Page through regular posting, commenting, liking and so on is a good practice for growing account engagement. However, there is one strategy that would make your page more interesting. Unfortunately, most marketers take it for granted.
Updating your Facebook Page’s profile image and cover image on a regular basis is a great technique that would encourage more people to visit your page and interact with your posts which results in a higher engagement rate.
JARVEE wants to make it more convenient for you by automating the entire process so you can later forget about it and just focus on more important things.
How to use Cover Photo tool
The Cover Photo tool works in 2 ways. You can use it to change the profile image and cover photo of both the account profile and the Pages managed by the account.
To access the tool, go to the Tools page, click on the Facebook account for which you want to use the tool or hit the MORE TOOLS link and navigate to the Cover Photo tab. Since it’s the first time that you’ll be using the tool, you will see an almost clean page which is normal and exactly how it should be.
Changing Profile /Cover Image for Wall and Page
- Set which destination the tool is going to execute on by clicking the ‘Select Page/Wall’ drop-down menu and choose either Wall* or the name of the Page where you want to run the tool on. (*Wall – refers to the account profile)
- Next, click on Add New Timer button and you will see a bunch of settings for Run timers and Cover Photo Settings.
Run Timers
This is where you will configure the date and time when the tool would execute the action on your account and how often it would do it.
1. From here you can view the ‘Next run’ which is basically when the tool is scheduled to change either the profile image or cover photo for the selected destination
2. You have the option to edit the ‘Start date’ by clicking on the assigned arrow to launch the built-in calendar. All you have to do is click the date and select the hour
3. You can also choose to repeat the process daily, every couple of days, weeks or months by ticking the corresponding checkbox
- Should you want to update the profile image or cover photo instantly, click on the Change Now action link
- If you want to delete the whole thing and start from scratch, click the Delete action link.
✅ In the sample settings below, you can see that the RUN TIMERS are set to start Wednesday, May 20, 2020 2:49:51PM and since it is set to ‘Repeat every 2 weeks (on the same day of the week) the ‘Next run’ is scheduled Wednesday, June 3, 2020 2:49:51PM:
Cover Photo Settings
This portion of the tools is where you will add the image and other details regarding the Cover Photo action.
1. You may choose to delete the existing profile or cover photo on the account or page prior to updating it.
2. You can upload multiple images from your computer and choose to pick a random image from the set of images you added to the tool.
3. As mentioned in step 1, you can select the destination where the Cover Photo tool is going to execute. Be sure be not to ignore this checkbox ‘Target Profile Photo instead of Cover Photo’ if you want to change your profile image.
4. You can set the level of image alteration you want to apply on your uploaded images to make it unique. This is useful when you have several accounts sharing the same images as cover photo.
5. Click on ‘UPLOAD IMAGES FROM COMPUTER’ to add the images to Jarvee.
6. Here you can add a description as well as a website URL is optional. You may also use Spin Syntax feature to make your Description more unique each time. There are also a ton of Emoji’s to choose from, just click the ‘Add Emoji’ button.
💡 Good to know:
- If you have several Facebook accounts where you want to copy the same tool settings to, just click the COPY SETTINGS button at the top portion of the page, select what you want to copy and on which accounts you want to use it for then hit OK.
- You can also ‘filter by Tag’, ‘BROWSE’ to see the operation real-time on browser and the ‘PROFILE’ link should direct you to the Profile Settings page of that account.
- You can add as many Timers as you want, meaning you can schedule the Cover Photo tool to execute on each Pages’ profile or cover image that is managed or owned by the particular Facebook account.