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By definition, “destination” refers to the place where something is to be sent. And in the topic of social media, it is where you publish or share your post.
In JARVEE, a Destination List is a set of destinations. It can be comprised of different social networks such as Facebook (walls, story, groups, and pages), Instagram (walls), Pinterest boards and so on that are centered on a specific market or niche you are working on. You can add as many destinations as you want in a single Destination List and use it for the Campaigns that you will be creating for the purpose of automating the posts on your selected social networks. This is extremely helpful if you are publishing the post to a lot of accounts/pages/groups.
For older accounts, the “Where to Publish” tab has the Destinations and Destination Lists sub-tabs.
For new accounts though, what you will see on the “Where to Publish” tab will be similar to the image below wherein there are no two sub-tabs. The default view shows the selection of accounts that you have under Social Profiles and the destinations available to each of them (eg. Facebook has walls, stories, groups, and pages, Instagram has a wall, and Pinterest has a board).
In order to see the Destination Lists sub-tab, put a check on ‘Show Advanced Destinations Options’ which is at the lower-left corner of the screen.
How to create a Destination List:
1. On the Where to Publish tab, go to the Destination Lists sub-tab and click the ‘Add Destination List’ button
2. Next, think of a destination name that is identifiable to your niche
3. You may also add tags to make it easier to spot the destination list for a particular niche
4. Select the Social Profiles you want to include in your Destination List by ticking the checkboxes for those accounts on the left side.
Then, on the right side, you will notice the columns for Groups, Pages/Boards, Wall/Profile, and Story. This is where you would specify to which particular area of that account would you like the post to be sent.
The selections you made will be tallied (see items highlighted in yellow on the image below) and this will give you an overview of how many destinations will the campaign publish to. This tally changes whenever you select/deselect items.
5. After you’ve chosen the destinations for your Destination List, close the pop-up window for the Destination List and tick the checkbox beside that particular Destination List so it can be programmed as the publishing destination for the campaign that you are on.
Good to know:
The Destination Lists pop-up window also has sub-tabs: Settings is where you mainly configure which destinations are selected, as well as the areas of the accounts to publish to. Auto Select Destinations on the other have the following:
- Auto Select new groups for chosen accounts. This would automatically add newly joined groups of a particular account that is included in your Destination List. This would save you a great deal of time as compared to manually editing the list and selecting the groups.
- To uncheck groups that require admin validation for posts, just tick the associated checkbox.
- You also have the option to auto-select destinations based on tags. If an account has the tag you specified on the textbox, then this destination list will automatically select that account for publishing (the checkbox on the left side). You can also choose whether to auto-select the destination if it has any of the specified tags, OR if it has all of the specified tags.
If you want to edit a specific destination list and make changes regarding the pages/boards, groups, or walls/profiles to publish to, you can simply click on the name of the destination list, and a pop-up window will show which will let you modify it.
For every Social Profile you’ve selected, you can pick a specific destination, such as walls, groups, pages/boards, or stories. For Instagram, posting to IG Stories or to Reels can be configured under the campaign “Overview” tab > Advanced Settings > Instagram tab.
For Groups, and Pages/Boards, just click on the action link, it will open a smaller window where you can select the respective groups, pages, or boards, and just close the box when you are done.