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The Proxy Manager tab is where you add and manage the proxies that you will assign to your accounts running in JARVEE. But before we go further into that, let us do a quick refresher about proxies, what it does and why you need them.
Why you need a proxy?
When you add and verify your account in JARVEE, it would login through your local connection and use your local IP which is absolutely fine. But when you have multiple accounts on the same social network, this may become an issue and put your account at risk.
To address this potential problem, you can assign a proxy to the account, such that instead of using the local IP, the account would login and use the proxy IP attached to it. As a result, it makes the account look like it logged in from a different location or device.
✅ If you want to use a proxy for your account, you need to add and verify it in the Proxy Manager tab first before you assign it to an account that was added in Social Profiles. That being said, you can add the accounts in advance but you need to validate the proxy and attach them to the accounts prior to verifying them in Social Profiles.
Where do I add proxies?
To start adding a proxy, simply click Proxy Manager from the menu on the left side of the interface.
As you can see from the image above, the Proxy Manager page has a number of options and it could be a bit overwhelming. However, on this guide, we will walk through the basics of adding a proxy only.
How to add a proxy:
1. There are 2 ways to add a proxy, you can either import* (more details below) or manually add each proxy.
2. To manually add a proxy, click on the ‘Add Proxy button
3. You will then see empty boxes under the headers ‘Proxy IP:Port, Proxy Username and Proxy Pass’. You will need to fill it up with your proxy credentials
Proxy IP:Port – this is where you input your proxy IP and port specified by your proxy provider; it should be in the format as indicated in the header (ex.123.456.7890.1234:56)
Proxy Username – some proxy providers let you connect to their server via username and password authentication, so if you are using this type of proxy, you’ll need to add the username provided to you in this box
Proxy Pass – this is the box where you need to add the password for the proxy so you can establish and authenticate the proxy connection.
📌 For IP Authenticated proxy, there is no need to add the proxy username and password. You just have to add the Proxy IP:Port and leave the username and password box empty. Also, for IP Authenticated proxies, make sure that you’ve added your local IP to the list of authorized IPs for the proxy in your proxy provider account.
4. After you’ve added the necessary proxy details, click on the Verify Proxy link which is found under the Actions header.
5. Under the Status header, you will see if the proxy was able to get a Valid connection or if there was a Proxy Error.
💡 Should you get a Proxy Error, confirm that you’ve entered the correct proxy information in the Proxy IP:Port, Proxy Username and Proxy Pass boxes. For IP Authenticated proxies, check if you’ve added and authorized the right Public IP for the proxy (you can google ‘what’s my ip’)
6. If you get a Valid status for the proxy after verifying, you may then proceed in assigning the proxy to an account by clicking the drop-down box found under the Social Profiles header, select the account and click the ‘Add’ button.
7. After you have added the account to the proxy, this will assign that proxy to the account and you can go to the Social Profiles tab and verify the account there.
8. Additional options:
- Keep accounts valid when changing the account proxy – check this option if you want the status of the account to stay VALID when changing proxies
- Do not allow accounts to run without any proxy (works only for Instagram) – If this option is checked, your Instagram account won’t be able to do any actions if there is no proxy linked to that account.
More About the Proxy Manager Tab:
After covering the nitty-gritty of adding a proxy, below are some of the time saver options you can take advantage of in the Proxy Manager tab
- *Import Proxies – if you want to add multiple proxies in one go, you can create a file and import them instead of adding them one by one. Just make sure that you use the correct import file format.
- Sync – you can find this below the Actions header beside the Verify Proxy link, use this if you changed the IP, username or password of the proxy and you need to quickly update the proxy information on all the accounts added to the corresponding proxy
- Tag – when you have several proxies added in the Proxy Manager tab, sorting them out could be a pain, hence adding a tag to the proxy would do the trick
- Verify All Proxies – click on this button when you have several proxies that need verifying, especially when you’ve imported proxies
- Sync All Proxies – works the same way as Sync except that it would execute the sync action on all selected proxies
- Reset Failures – resets the failures count for the selected proxies.
- Split accounts to unused proxies – If you have unused proxies, you can easily split them. You can specify the number of accounts per proxy, split only accounts that have one of the following tagnames and/or Split only to proxies with specific tagnames.