As you probably know by now, we always strive to provide our users with the best tools that will help them save time and take their social media accounts to the next level.
We want to know what is your opinion on which of the below tools would better help your social media marketing game.
Vote on which of the below would provide the most value to you:
1. Advance analytics – get insights about your competitor’s social media marketing strategy. Discover their best performing content, what they post and when, their engagement metrics. See how your own accounts perform in your niche and what you can improve for better results. Get new content ideas and stop the guess work from your strategy.
2. Viral content finder / content curation – this would help you solve your content problem. You will be able to set keywords and venues to check for posts on social media, top sites in different categories, rss feeds and so on. Search for posts, images, videos or whatever you need. You’ll then be able to select the posts with the most engagement, the ones that really appeal to the public and use them on your own social accounts. This will save you a lot of time that you spend searching for content and automate your social media even more.
3. Hashtag research – an in-depth hashtag research tool that will provide the best hashtags for any niche. Time saved not looking for hashtags for every post you do
4. Social inbox – a single place to receive all your social media messages, regardless of the platform. You will be able to provide better support while not wasting time checking each social platform individually.
What tool would help your social media strategy the most?
If you have a minute just vote on which you think is the better idea.
If you have 2-3 minutes though, use the comment section below and also let us know why. What do you think would be the features that these tools absolutely need? Do you have another idea of a better tool that’s missing? – do share, we’re all ears!
Voting time!
Mid vote edits and updates:
First 4 choices are added by us, the rest are user ideas, I’ve removed some that didn’t really belong there.
What I’ve probably failed to make clear is that this has nothing to do with Jarvee, it will not be added inside the software itself, we are talking about completely separate tools.
For this reason the following ideas that were user added were removed:
“More Youtube Features, it is poor + improve interface (not user friendly) + stats (you don’t really know the results of jervee)”
“Unfollow for Youtube” – We already have this one.
“Only follow verified Twitter accounts setting”
“pinterest delete pins tool”
“I vote for the Analytics tool . Furthermore it would be really useful if this tool would also include info on your own followers (most active ones, inactive ones, geographic location, etc.)”
“Actually the most useful thing isn’t even mentioned here. Statistics that will let me know which hashtags/targets are the most successful in followback for my various accounts. Right now with your tool I can only guess which specific targets are working.”
“Advanced Stastics Email sender to clients – Create templated that will be sent to clients with all the statistics every X days with custom logo and details”
“When Like/following followers of followers on Instagram. It would be great to get analytics on the top % of followers to add them to my targets.”
“Analytics tools and viral content finder. Statistics on hashtags would also be helpful as I feel like I’m guessing quite a bit!”
“And also blocking ghosts”
“Advance lever for Instagram for Agencies”
“Emoji support and creative cloud”
“Advanced block followers tool to get rid of ghost followers on Instagram”
At this point I’ve removed the option for users to add poll answers as it was obvious they were not in the right direction, if you still want to have your voice heard, do so in the comments please!
Balazs Krucso says
I prefer to have follower search tool which can find follower with several preferences not only just one in instagram.
For exaple: people who is following an account AND their geographical location is something AND commented in the last 4 days.
Guy says
Yeah thats really useful, I’m really wanting geographical location based tools
Jakub says
Although I vote for “viral” content, it would be great to see what WHO engages with posts (IG) and HOW, so that one could follow or interact with only those type of followers to get the most out of this relationship.
I manually scraped followers from my comments for a couple of posts to find out that 90% of likes & comments come from followers with <1900 followings and 80% with <1000 followings. So those are more "valuable" followers. I'm sure there are other variables as well. Maybe: people who engage, have XYZ word in their bio and posted 2 days ago with a caption that included a ABC word and they have X followers?
Is it possible to get data on who saw a given post and who engaged with them?
Rual Lozun says
Great idea here. Or at least have Jarvee support scrapping commenters or likers by username or by batches of posts’ links, so you don’t have to scrape post by post, link by link, manually. That alone would help. Then you massage the data yourself to find whatever you need from it, no problem with that.
Bojan Dimov says
hello we need pinterest delete pins tool 😀
Juan forero says
Analytics would be completely perfect!
Elizabeth White says
I like all of these and would love them all.
My biggest current issue is that I am a female from the US and about 1/3 of the people Jarvee follows are men from India, even with settings to only follow females. My target market is females in the USA so it’s detrimental to me. It would also be great to only follow people from one country.
Jesus says
You can solve this easily by finding big accounts in the USA and setting users that interacted with posts as targets.
Krista says
Jarvee for Mac!!!!!!!! Please 🙂
Eric Sims says
Guy says
This would be good, I use mac, but like, its worth investing in a good VPS anyways right? why not just get a windows VPS
RICK Q says
I voted for Advanced analytics but hashtag tools was a very close second. I would also like to see a tool that could help with research process and the collection of strong relative target pages.for my accounts.
Mo A says
Completely agree with this!
Christina says
I like them all I chose analytics however I would also really want the viral content finder and the hashtag research I think if you all can find a way to include all three it would make you so much better than your competitors.
Frederic CANEVET says
I think the design of Jarvee has to be improve, maintly for selecting keywords, youtube channels…
A queue of what is in, what is ending… is really missing (see linkedin Helper which is much more user friendly).
More targeting features for the right people would be better.
Roman says
Balazs Krucso – great idea.
Chris says
I could really use a way to understand which specific targets/hashtags are most successful for follow back. It’s not even that hard to write the code, just track each target to see if the user responds with likes/follows, and provide that to me as an engagement rate by hashtag. A panel called Instazood already does this and I have found that one feature to be extremely useful.
Mo A says
Hashtag Search, Instagram advance analytics and also a complete overhaul of the Jarvee interface to make it a little more user friendly
Krisztián F. says
As I mentioned in one of my customer messages, it would be great if you put a possibility for choosing network interfaces to assign to an account (if you have more public IP from your ISP, and you don’t need so much proxies to rent) and implement under proxies tab (like: ‘Proxies and Network’ tab).
something like this:
many thanks
Nick says
Analytics all day long – knowing the best performing posts, best performing hashtags, etc is key to growing actual engagement
Leah says
I think advanced analytics and viral content finding would be super useful tools! These two always take a bit of time to figure out, and it’s not always easy to know why an image went viral on a competitor page – it could be time of day or week, hashtags, the content in the image etc.
Thanks for your dedicated work Jarvee team, you do a fantastic job!
Ed Clarke says
Something that is a must, would be for the auto re pin feature for Pinterest… IT NEEDS THE ABLITY TO ADD YOUR OWN URL TO THE RE PIN
I understand this works on upload by csv, but it needs to be on the auto scraper/re pin section in tools.
Please add this. 🙂
Thanks for your hard work
J says
create a reddit and quora tool for Jarvee
Rual Lozun says
I support the Reddit idea!
Dean says
I think the most usefull tool for us resellers is to have some way to export data to show our clients.
Best targets
Daily, Weekly, Monthly gain
Best followers (Who engages etc)
Stuff like that, something that allows us to easily and conveniently report to our clients with statistics.
Doggy says
In my personal order of need (IG & FB):
#1. Advanced Analytics:
a) in-depth knowledge of my own audience
b) 2nd lvl performance analytics of my content in order for me to replicate successes and understand failures- based on “Lean Startup” philosophy.
c)finding/monitoring/spying/benchamarking competition: their content, their audience.
#2. Content finder and curation for specific niche. But it could include feature like iOS goTrends app has so it would be less time consuming to create engaging question/call to action for the post based on relevence/humor for audience from specific country. I understand that its planed as separate tool but home it will allow us to connect it with Jarvee’s automatic publishing tool.
#3. Universal Inbox: makeing as least time consuming responding to comments/likes/dm under first 60 min would greatly help with my content performance and user engagement.
#4. Hashtags: Automating process from Jarvee’s tutorial (published here on forums) for proper hashtag serach would be nice.
Krisztián F. says
Hi guys!
That would be good if we can see more details after JARVEE says “0 from 5-10000 users passed FOLLOW/LIKE/etc filters after scraping” so a little more deep information about filters behaviour in a given set of source. That would be better for us to get know better the sources also.
Many Thanks
Nils Reimer says
Please make it easier to create Set Uploads, like if i want a picture to be uploaded at 20 o clock daily and i could just insert it as easy as gramblr for example (but i dont use it because it follows users without permission).
just an easy quick tool where you could prepare and auto-upload, because i dont really get how to do that on jarvee yet.
Thanks by the way <3
Tom says
I didn’t vote because I would most like advanced analytics for Facebook, and not only to focus on Instagram.
Kris says
The option to target based on geography is something that I would like to see.
Bruce says
I guess you’re referring to Instagram here and I’m afraid that’s not possible since IG doesn’t show account’s country publicly. There’s option to target by geo location, but that’s related to location that user tagged in one of their posts.
Hamza says
This is pretty old article, but it’s nice to see that Jarvee team asks for opinion and ask their clients to say their desires and needs. Nice to see this, interaction is the key for good service and products.
Senidah says
I see this article was added 1 and half years ago, but for the new users, it’s nice to see that the real “humans” are the ones that manage the customer support and human relations management.
Fransoa says
It would be nice to start a similar campaign now. I have, and I believe that most users have some requests, some new tools recommendations.