The backlink is one of the most productive and commonly used approaches to increase website traffic and ranking. The more the number of backlinks a site has, the more visitors it gets from the Search Engines.
Backlinks are basically hyperlinks that are taken from other websites. Backlinks have been doing a good job in keeping your site up-to-date. According to research, it is found that 91% of all the pages will not receive organic traffic from search results just because they don’t have backlinks.
Almost every marketer is putting their best efforts into generating quality backlinks without any hassle. Well! If you are reading this blog, you might be planning to create backlinks for your website but are unsure how to grow backlinks over time. Need not worry!
Here are some tips by considering which you can easily get quality backlinks for your website, which will further boost your online rankings.
6 Tips to grow Quality backlinks for your website
Let’s begin…
Guest posting
When we talk about backlinks, then the first tactic that comes to our mind is guest posting. It is basically the practice of getting links on the content provided by you to another website either for free/ link exchange or paid.
Publishing content on another website will help you get more exposure and drive new audiences to your content and then to your website.
It is being observed that many site owners publish poorly written content on their website, due to which both parties have to face challenges in one or the other way. But if done in the right way, then this practice can help you get excellent results.
If you are new to guest posting, then firstly, you need to look for high DA (domain authority) websites that are related to your niche and accept guest post articles. If you find such opportunities, then that’s a good starting point.
Some sites do not offer to follow backlinks, so you need to be quite convincing while offering and accepting a contribution. So, make sure you regularly conduct backlink audits and get good quality backlinks for your website.
Broken link building
Another best practice that can help you get a backlink is broken link building. There are many reputable and high-traffic websites that are suffering from broken links, and they are unaware of the same.
Sometimes we usually delete the content or move the content to another place due to which the previous page no longer exists and show 404 errors which are not good for the website. It not only affects the SEO but also affects the customer relationships by offering a poor user experience. That’s where broken link building is considered.
To opt for this tactic, you need to audit the websites and find broken links on the websites. Once you are done with that, you need to identify the content that they are actually referring to. If you provide relevant content, then it will surely be published on their website. Also, you can also ask them for a backlink without paying a single penny.
Effective infographic
Hopefully, you are creating infographics for your website. But have you ever realized that these infographics could also help you get the backlinks on good-quality websites? Yes. Infographics are one of the commonly used ways to gain backlinks and bring traffic to your website.
Infographics not only include educational content but also are highly appealing due to which they are in high demand. So, whenever you create your next infographic, you need to be very conscious and ensure that it is both unique and interesting at the same time. Thus, do your good research and showcase data that people are actually looking for.
Always remember the better the infographics, the more the chances to get quality backlinks for your website.
Try mentioning industry experts
Mentioning or linking to industry experts increases the probability of getting good quality backlinks on excellent websites. This approach might take your time, but once done, it will surely help you get good quality results.
Always remember, better the content, the chances to get backlink increases. So, whenever you plan to implement this step, you need to interview an expert and understand their requirements. This will help you create good-quality content. So, start building good relations within the industry and get a chance to get a backlink to your article from the expert.
Content skyscraping
Are you familiar with the term skyscraping? Basically, it’s all about finding and analyzing the content, which is already awesome, but some points are actually outperforming it. So, you can provide them with new content which will include your link. This way, you can earn quality backlinks from the most recent website.
Getting backlinks on an already popular post will minimize your efforts to get high traffic to your site. The simplest way to do this is by increasing the listing. Say if they have written 10 ways to boost email marketing, then you can add 5 more and can increase the checklist to 15.
Indeed, it’s the toughest thing to qualify, but if done can help you achieve excellent results. So, start looking for content that can be skyscrapers and help you get a quality backlink.
Backlinks from your own site
Another tip that can help you boost your website ranking and traffic is by getting backlinks to your own website. We normally have 2-3 blogs that are performing really well, and interlinking either relevant blogs to that blog can help you in outperforming other blogs.
Creating relevant blogs and opportunities will help you improve your blog quality and make your daily life better. So, make sure you link each blog with each other within your website and that there are no errors on your website.
In a Nutshell
Generating backlinks for your website is not a cakewalk. But if you follow the right approach and implement it in the best possible way, then you can easily achieve your goals. But, if you are dedicated to building quality backlinks, then the above checklist will help you target high-rated websites without breaking the banks.
So, what are you waiting for?
Start strategizing your marketing tasks and make your content more productive so that you can easily generate the type of backlink that you actually wish for.
Still, if you have any problem or want to share something with the readers, feel free to share in the comments below.
About the Author
Danish Wadhwa is an Entrepreneur and Growth Hacker with more than ten years of expertise in Data-Driven Marketing. He is a high-energy individual fueled by his passion for helping businesses grow Digitally.
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