Everybody is on social media today and we all strive to use it to our advantage but many don’t really know what to do and what not to do. Here are 6 social media behaviors that you should aim to avoid in order to make sure you’re successful.
In order to make this easier to understand and remember we’ve created a nice infographic for you. Here you go :

6 Social Media Behaviors To Avoid In 2018
Quick recap!
- Having too many promotional messages
- Posting irrelevant information
- Tweeting too much
- Using Slang/Jargo Awkwardly
- Beeing too quiet
- Not replying to messages
Final word
Social media is not as easy as it might seem, that’s if you want to do it right. Stay clear of the above mistakes, keep engaging with your followers and posting great content and you’ll soon get the hang of it. Good luck!
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If you find this infographic useful you are free to share it anywhere else you want as long as you maintain a link back to this post. This is where it first appeared and we are the creators and owners of its rights. Posting it without mentioning that you got it from here is considered copyright infringement and will be treated as such.
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