With so many customers trusting WordPress for their businesses, its security becomes a paramount concern.
WordPress security is one of the most important talking points of 2021. With increased dependence on online mediums, the threat of cybercrime is also lurking around the corner.
How will you protect your site in case of an atrocity? What all options do you have as a business owner to curb the situation?
Well, we decided to put together the seven most important tips that can help keep your WordPress business website in good shape, come what may.
Let’s take a look at the ways you can keep your WordPress website safe
Choose an authentic hosting provider
Website owners tend to save on hosting providers thinking it isn’t worth spending much on.
But that is not the case. If your host is compromised, your URL will redirect your customers to a malicious site instead of yours.
Hackers can fully control when your site appears live and when it shuts.
So, never go easy on hosting. Don’t mind paying a few extra bucks for an additional layer of hosting security to secure your WordPress website.
Do not use pirated themes
Never use a fake version of an original theme for two reasons 1) the owner can always sue you and take your website down legally 2) your site can get compromised by hidden malicious codes inside the theme.
Pirated versions are merely a copy of someone’s hard work; chances are it cannot be as smooth and customizable as the original theme would be.
The theme owner can always drag you to the court, and such themes contain malware injections. Whenever you download such a theme, you risk your database and admin pages.
So, always buy a theme from a WordPress website instead of picking them from unsolicited websites for free.
Use an SSL certificate
The website’s overall security is paramount for every business, and the use of an SSL or Secure Socket Layer certificate is a primary security for any website.
An SSL certificate is a cryptographic security protocol that uses public key infrastructure or PKI to encrypt the data communication between the server and a user and establishes a secure communication network.
SSL certificates are available from many brands including GlobalSign, RapidSSL, Comodo SSL certificate, DigiCert, etc. that can secure your website with strong encryption. Each WordPress website should enable SSL certificate to avert cyber thieves.
Install WordPress plugins
WordPress security plugins like Sucuri help you stay protected from malware-injected pages.
It is nearly impossible for a user to check everything regularly, and without proper development skills, a layperson cannot figure out which website can be fraudulent. The use of security plugins helps people monitor your file integrity, audit your security regularly, malware scanning, post-hack protocols, security tightening, notify you about security and firewall issues.
Thus, getting these WordPress plugins installed on your website can surely help you keep yourself updated with security checks.
Use a password manager
Password managers use special characters that are nearly impossible to memorize. One cannot recall such character combinations and special symbols, which is why your website will be safe from hacks.
Even the advanced hacking tools can guess a password to a point it makes sense with characters, but password managers generate nonsensical passwords. The best part about them is that they generate a new password each time.
Thus, getting hold of such passwords is humanly impossible. However, if you do not wish to use PMs, use a combination of symbols, letters, and words in a bit of an odd fashion to make it impossible to guess.
Disable code editor
File code editors are used to edit codes for themes and plugins. In your WP dashboard, you can find it in Appearance > Editor or even Plugin > Editor.
You don’t want a hacker to access your dashboard and inject malicious codes in there, which can compromise your website.
To disable the code editor, paste the following code in your wp-config.php file:
Define (‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT,’ true);
The code editor will get disabled, and nobody can alter your website after that.
Never miss an update
Never miss your updates if you want to keep your WordPress website safe.
Updates contain bug fixes and security patches that are critical for your website’s safety.
With each update, developers develop new ways to ensure that those hackers get nowhere near their security loopholes. However, if you do not take updates seriously, you are setting yourself up for a disaster. By operating on an older version of WordPress, you expose your site to cybercriminals waiting to attack.
Older versions have loopholes that hackers can easily breach. Moreover, small versions get automatically updated, while larger versions need your attention to begin downloading. So, always keep your website updated.
To Conclude
Since WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms, hackers always keep a red-eye on them.
Cybercriminals attack older versions more frequently because they are easy to breach. Being a website owner, your website security should be kept up to date at all times.
To ensure that WP plugins, SSL certificates, a secure host, firewall, and strong password hygiene must be kept in practice. With the advancement of technology, hackers are also changing their ways of attacking. They are most likely to attack you where you are most vulnerable. So, ensure that there is no loophole in your website by keeping it updated, hire a WordPress Expert. Follow these seven tips to ensure optimum WordPress website security.
About the Author
Martin Brown is a digital marketing and digital asset management specialist. He has been in the industry for over a decade, helping people understand digital technology and apply them to their business through guest posting. Martin is married with three children. He enjoys playing basketball and scuba diving during his leisure time.
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