It’s nothing new to the ear when we hear one mention video marketing. And the thing is, its effectiveness has already been proven by studies and statistics. This is because online video marketing can be found to be very attractive to many different businesses due to numerous reasons.
It could also have to do with the fact that simply making and posting videos online cost very little if not nothing at all. Or with the fact that they stay online for not just a very long time, but possibly forever. Spending time and money on a video once could still be getting it ratings and views a year later.
You’ll notice how social media platforms and video marketing go hand in hand because of how most sites encourage the posting and sharing of videos. The opportunities they present to you and your brand are endless when you use them the right way and to your advantage when posting them online.
Video marketing can be one of the most overlooked forms of online marketing, that marketers just don’t take the time to practice. Some reasons could be because some businesses are simply ignorant about its methods, or others find it too daunting a task. However, the truth of the matter is that creating videos is not as difficult as it may sound. So if you’re new to video marketing and have been thinking about getting a hand on it, here’s a quick guide.
Post on YouTube
Youtube being one of most popular video search engines in the world has more than 1.57 billion users and visitors to its platform each month. Therefore uploading your video marketing content on its platform will instantly get your content seen by a wide audience.
When we’re talking about video marketing, the very first platform we need to get handy with is Youtube. You simply start by setting yourself up with a channel for your brand and then start posting videos. Make sure your branding is done properly using your logo and all the details connected to your brand. Use catchy keywords that are relevant to your niche and take care of your brand’s description. If you can keep your videos optimized properly, they are sure to rank well and will definitely gain you gold points in their books.
One other thing to be aware of is that YouTube captions are not always exactly correct. That’s why before uploading your video to the platform you should run it through specialized software like Maestrasuite, which can add subtitles to the video much more precisely.
Provide great video marketing content
Think about your viewers, and think about what you know that they find valuable. You also have to take note of new things that you as a marketer for your brand can teach them. So-called “How-To” videos are quite helpful in these cases. Not only do they provide Intel for your audience, but you’re also showing off your skills and putting yourself in an expert position. This is a critical practice as you continue to grow your brand.
Provide great video marketing content by taking the opportunity to create compelling content collaboratively. Try keeping your videos short, because no matter how long it is you honestly don’t want to lose your viewers’ attention. Another compelling example would be to try doing interviews, or tell fun stories; create your video marketing content in your own personalized way. The best thing you could try would be to share an experience or your thoughts to your audience on something that has recently occurred; this will make them interested to listen.
Promote what you have with video marketing
As a marketer your number one goal is to get everyone actively participating to promote your video marketing content. You have to set goals like: making your video the most watched post of the month or the video with the most comments and likes in a day. To do this, though, don’t just stick around Youtube, you have to share your video across numerous blogs and multiple social media platforms. The more shares, the better; that should be your new mantra as a marketer.
You want constant visibility with your video marketing content, so you need to practice keeping track of shares of your posts. In a way it’s just like link building, every time a number of websites, search engines will acknowledge the video marketing content as useful and this can help productively with the ranking of your content all over the web.
The more that people see your video, the more viral it becomes the more publicity you gain. The more interaction you have, the better! For most it seems like too much work to keep up this track of promoting your video marketing content, however just like a regular social media post, the more hype that your video marketing content receives, the more exposure you’re getting.
Here’s a little tip on how to “Obtain subscribers”:
When someone subscribes to your channel because they saw one of your video marketing content, they will get notified every time you upload a new video.
So, you too can subscribe to other channels (look those who you think are influential or whose own video marketing content coincides with your niche) you can build a community around your niche, all you have to do is keep those comment discussions going. The more people will follow you on Youtube, the easier will be to get more exposure for each new video you upload to your channel.
These are the most important insights that any marketer going into video marketing content should know. Just to make things a bit more easier since after all this is a quick guide, we’ll throw in some tips for your content itself and how to keep it at point.
- Create a video campaign: Do this to not just get noticed but to practice your ability to think beyond those stand-alone video marketing content. You can always create a series of content-rich videos that you could publish on a regular basis for a larger reach and exposure. This will help you to build your brands identity continuously as each video is released.
- No sales pitches: Everyone can find so much sales clutter all over the web, so make sure to not do this and come up above it. We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with selling what your brand has to offer or it’s services, but don’t use your video to define that. Use it to define something, give solutions and supports others, this is what you need to attract that right following for your video marketing content.
- Educate them: Make it a point to educate your audience about your products and services. Provide them with the necessary features and benefits; try not to leave out any important details. Make sure they are well informed on everything they’ll receive when they make a purchase or help themselves to a service. Tell people about your product or services.
- Answer their questions: Don’t get scared when someone decides to go right ahead and ask you a bunch of questions on your video marketing content. Often someone could ask up to 5 to 10 questions, and that just on a short 2 to 3-minute video clip. So take the time to acknowledge these questions and make a short video to answer them. These are easy to make and very valuable to your audience.
- Product reviews: You can be a help to someone else in a way that would also benefit you. Try to find a product or service that would benefit your brand and would be of interest to your niche, do a review of their benefits and features for them. This could go a long way with video marketing content and potential subscribers.
- Tell a story: Everyone likes relating to someone who can tell a compelling story. So form a lesson into your video marketing content as a good start to build up your audience’s trust. You can also try talking about an event or a moment in history that has helped shape your brand and you as a marketer. Help give your audience a better insight into how you do business.
- Behind the scenes: Do something enriching and take your audience outside of the normal comfort zone. Show them some of the little things that happen behind the scenes, your brand in its most natural surroundings. If you find it appropriate, you can talk a little about what goes on and what business tools you use so that they can better understand the core of your business. You can even throw in a little secret like how you organize the business and get things done, this is a chance to be a little intimate.
Wrapping it up
You should always take the opportunity to encourage you’re your audience to participate at the end of your video marketing content. You can try asking them to sign up for newsletters, or go to your specific website, even to leave comments and share/like your video and visit its blog. You’ll never miss getting their attention if you can provide good video marketing.
Even with a minimal budget, with a good head on your shoulders any business you market using video marketing can produce great quality promotions for you and your brand.
Mica says
With some skills in video making, you can easily get great return and engagement for something you made for free. So developing these skills and using some of your tips is definitely worth of working on.
Dustin says
Youtube was and is most popular video streaming platform. Now most than ever when we all are at home and trying to find some great content to watch, share and to use. This is great article and along with great tutorials we all can start our Youtube career right now.
Liam says
Thank you for sharing! We just recently started YouTube channel for our brand. However, it doesn’t seem so easy to actually gain some followers. I’m thinking about using Jarvee for YouTube automation, hope it will be helpful.
Alivia says
Our followers love to see our behind the scenes videos. We just recently started using them and it showed great potential. This doesn’t cost us almost anything and it brings us a lot of value.
Billy says
First of all, we need a good video (content) and for everything else there’s Jarvee. Add the content via Jarvee, find the desired audience via Jarvee, invite them, watch videos, get the views and everything else. The only tool that You need and that I use.
Edgar Alan says
Great article, thanks for sharing. Find some cloud-based video editor and You can make great videos out of your images and some free music. Youtube allows you to upload good quality and free content (copyright) from their site so you don’t have to worry about anything.
JackSun says
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JackSun says
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