The clubhouse is the new audio-based social media iPhone app where users can speak and discuss pre-determined topics in sections known as ‘rooms’.
These rooms are numerous, and if not moderated, conversations and discussions can dissolve into noise. Therefore, popular ‘rooms’ are a small group of users who talk to a silent online audience.
The audio-based social media networking app is like a blend between a TED talk and a live podcast where you can ask questions and host your debate at your own convenient time.
Despite its novelty, the clubhouse has attracted over 6 million new users, therefore, offering brands a new social media platform with an ever-growing audience.
Due to its exclusivity, it offers an experience to brands not found in any other social media platform. The audio mode ensures that the online conversations are of greater authenticity which allows the building of deeper connections.
The clubhouse is widely accessible on an invite-only basis, and it’s currently exclusively offered as an iOS app as it still undergoes further development.
How do Brands work with Clubhouse?
The clubhouse is a platform that has provided advanced approaches for modern companies in the field of marketing. At Clubhouse you can quickly create a room where your team can converge and engage in an intimate discussion on a large scale.
These rooms can host large discussions, involving up to five hundred thousand users, and each can enter or leave the room whenever he or she wants. It has become a favorite for brands since the rooms aren’t completely accessible to everyone. They are more like conference calls with a set of people acting as moderators but on a virtual platform.
These moderators are free to speak and can also reach out to audience members who wish to participate in the ongoing discussion. You can tell who the speaker is by looking around a particular profile photo which will be surrounded by a subtle gray halo.
The ‘room’ can be started and opened by anyone. Any user can join the room if invited. There are two types of rooms brands can use in their discussion, debates, conversation, marketing, or creating awareness.
Social room
- You can use this room to communicate exclusively with users you’re following.
Closed room
- As the name suggests, a closed room is only reserved for guests. Only invited people can join this room and is mostly preferred by brands as it allows exclusivity.
- When rooms reoccur, they are consolidated into clubs that also have members.
And to check the available active rooms at any particular time, you click on the apps calendar icon. This is convenient for followers to join and keep up with conversations from brands as they happen in real-time.
Not only does the platform support brands, but it has also started cooperating with well-known influencers, along with KOL members.
Why is Clubhouse the New Platform for Brands?
The clubhouse is the new social media platform for brands as it offers an invite-only platform that attracts brands that treat the app as a safe space to connect with the followers.
Similar to how a podcast works, you can enter and continue listening whether you’re by your screen or not, making it convenient for followers with a reduced screen time to follow up on any brand’s conversation or discussions.
Therefore, joining clubhouse has helped brands talk on any topic and interact casually level, with some of their key targets, including consumers.
Secondly, a clubhouse offers opportunities to brands to popularize themselves and as an avenue to reach new audiences.
It also provides a simple, convenient and popular platform for brand leaders to promote their thoughts and ideas in their specific field.
Companies on this platform can connect with the field’s leading brands via live voice interaction, and enable them to speak directly with different movers and shakers in various fields of expertise.
Also, when it comes to social media accounts, Clubhouse allowing linking your account with Instagram or Facebook, or other platforms; therefore, you can only speak to other users using voice messages, as there are no direct messages, comments, or likes.
Since the app can link directly to Instagram it helps you grow your Clubhouse number of followers, as well as your Instagram followers, count making it a win-win for brands that market through other social media platforms.
Clubhouse allows other users to get the idea of what you can offer and, thus, in the future, can become your potential customers.
This provides your potential followers with an insight into the products or services you can offer them. It is also a great platform for sharing business and marketing insights.
How to get the best out of Clubhouse as a brand
Like any other social media platform, to get ahead of others in terms of increasing your follower count or attracting new followers requires skill and a level of consistency in your usage of the particular platform.
For you, as a brand, to get the best value from Clubhouse, you need to consider following these guidelines.
- In the case of a larger room, use several moderators.
- In case you want to speak, asking permission to speak is sort of a rule. Leaving the room is always an option.
- Make your bio short and brief, 2 to 3 sentences is enough as it shows up as an SEO. Your bio is the key to communicate what value you can offer. For help in writing a bio and other writing problems, seek homework help services.
- It is vital to show up and participate in groups. This helps you gain insight into facts related to your brand as well as increasing your followers count.
- It is critical to co-host groups concerning a discussion related to the field your brand is handling.
- The best length for a particular program is one hour and 30 minutes, one hour is also recommended.
Final Thoughts
As a brand there comes a time when you’d like to diversify your social media platform and Clubhouse is one of the platforms you need to consider joining.
About the Author
Laura Barber is a famous freelance writer with wide knowledge and expertise in writing for writing brands. Her love for animals keeps her occupied during the weekend as she spends the time volunteering in animal shelters and birdwatching.
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