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Jarvee’s Instagram Block Followers tool helps you increase your engagement rate by blocking users that are not engaging with your content. It works the exact same way when you manually block users on Instagram. This tool now works as well when using USE ONLY EMBEDDED BROWSER under Social Profiles > Advanced Profile Settings. The unblocking will be done via EB in that case.
You can use the Block Followers tool to block:
➡ Users that you do not wish to interact with such as your competition or those you unwittingly followed using the Follow Back tool
➡ Followers that aren’t engaging with your content
➡ Fake accounts spamming your accounts
➡ Unblock users you blocked by accident or unintentionally
To start blocking followers, just go to TOOLS page and click on the Instagram account where you want to run the tool on or hit MORE TOOLS action link and click the Block Followers tab.
The tool has 3 main sections – Run Timers, Block Limits, and User Filters. In addition, you will also see the Results table and a designated box for adding users you want to manually block/unblock.
Run Timers
If you’ve been using other Jarvee Instagram tools on your account, then you are now well-acquainted with this section of the tool by this time.
This is the part of the Settings where you basically control the
- number of minutes the tool will wait before starting a new operation
- the number of users that will be processed per operation
- the delay between each block action
- the hours and days when the tool will execute the block actions
Block Limits
On this part of the Settings is where you
- set the maximum number of users you want to block each day/hour
- you have an option to increase the number of users you block each day/hour until it hits the maximum number of users you prefer
- set to block the most recent X followers of your account
- choose whether to consider ALL user filters before blocking or not. By default, if any filter is true, then the user will be blocked.
- set how many days before blocking the user
- decide whether to remove the follower instead of blocking
- block users only when the follower count exceeds X number
- report the user as spam before blocking
User Filters
Just like most of the tools, there is a set of conditions you can apply to the users that will get processed, if the user fails any of the filters you set, they will be skipped and the particular tool action will not get executed on them.
However, for the Block Followers – User Filters, if the user meets any of the filters you set, the block action will get executed on them.
You can set the filter to block:
- users who have a non-English character in their bio, username, and fullname; emojis are considered English characters
- no profile image
- users that have equal or less than X posts
- those that have less than or equal to X characters in their bio
- users that have any of the specific word/s in their bio
- username/fullname that contains any of the word/s you specify
- username/fullname that does not contain any of the specified words
- those users that have not posted within the last X days
- accounts that have a follow ratio (followers/followings) greater than X
- or accounts have less than X follow ratio
- user has a specific range of followers
- and specific range of followings
- by gender
- specific users
✅ For blocking specific users, you have the option to add your own followers and own followings for the specific account and own followers and own followings for all accounts inside Jarvee
- private users
- business accounts or non-business accounts
- users with more than X digits in their username
You may opt not to block users who are:
- likers of your posts
- commenters on your post
- private users
- part of the whitelist
✅ You also have the option not to block users immediately. They will only be scraped and you can manually block or remove the follower them from the Results table.
Results Table
Below the User Filters section, you have the table where all the blocked users are added. From there you will see:
- the date the user was blocked
- the reason why the user was blocked under the Type column
- you also have the ‘Unblock’, ‘Block’ and ‘Remove Follower’ action link, you can click on that if you want to initiate the said action
💡 Things to remember:
- Don’t forget to select a Filter before starting the tool
- Once you are satisfied with your settings, you can start the tool via the Status switch on the upper left portion of the Settings page.