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Sharing other people’s posts is a great way to automate content on your LinkedIn profile page. Using the LinkedIn Share Posts tool from JARVEE, you can share the posts that other LinkedIn users have written and you can regulate the frequency and volume of your shares by adjusting the tool’s settings. This avoids giving other users the impression that your profile is inactive.
How to access the LinkedIn Share Posts tool
To access the tool you need to go to TOOLS page > click on your LinkedIn Profile > then click on the Share Posts tool from the tools list on the left. There are 4 tabs available– the Settings, Sources, Extracted Posts, and Results tabs.
Settings tab
The Run Timers, Share Limits, Settings, and Filters sections can be found in the Settings tab.
Run Timers
- Wait between X and Y minutes before each new operation – lets you specify the amount of time before the tool begins a new operation.
- Share between X and Y posts per operation – gives the approximate number of posts that will be shared during each operation.
- Execute between HH: MM and HH: MM – gives you the ability to choose the time at which the Share Posts tool will take action. This setting can be changed, and you can also add more intervals or even randomize the timers each day.
- Add random sleep time – allows the Share Posts tool to rest for X and Y minutes before starting a new operation when it has executed A and B operations.
- Days of the week when to operate – The days on which the tool will carry out the actions are up to you.
💡 By selecting the Rotate Days option, you can change the days that the Share Posts tool will work at random each week. For instance, if you selected Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the tool will choose a different set of three days for the upcoming week. You can also decide to remove weekends from the rotation if you don’t want to share posts on the weekends.
Share Limits
- When the daily cap is reached, the tool will automatically stop sharing until the following day. You can do this to set a daily cap for the tool. For users who want to warm up their accounts, you can also set the daily cap to increase gradually until it reaches your daily target; just be sure to do so.
- You can set an hourly cap with this option; it works similarly to a daily cap.
There is only one choice available, and if it is selected, JARVEE will select a random post from the Extracted Posts tab rather than sharing them all at once.
- Posts are less than X days old – This gives you control over how many days must pass before posts can be shared.
- Post must contain any of the following words – The post description must contain the word(s) specified here in order for JARVEE to share it.
- Post must not contain any of the following words – JARVEE will ignore any post containing one or more of the words on this list.
Sources tab
In order to reach users who might be interested in your posts and increase your chances of receiving connection requests (or having them approved), the sources you choose are crucial. You can create a text along with your shared content for each source option. You may also choose to leave it empty. To make your caption stand out and prevent it from being flagged as spam, you can use emojis and spin syntax.
- Share posts by keywords – Using this source option, you can share articles that LinkedIn’s keyword search has turned up. Enter the keywords, comma-separated. Click the ADD INPUT button after adding your keywords and creating your caption. The table below the source option will be updated to include them.
- Share posts by url – If you already know the URL to the post you want to share, you can use this source option. Add your caption (optional) and the post URLs to the appropriate boxes, then click the ADD TO EXTRACTED POSTS button. If you want to add multiple post URLs, separate them with a new line. The post will automatically be added to the Extracted Posts tab and will have the keyword MANUAL.
- Share posts from Walls/Pages/Profiles – To share content that has been posted to LinkedIn walls, pages, or groups, use this source option. In the space provided, enter the URL for the wall, group, or profile and optionally add a caption. Use a new line to divide any target walls, groups, or profiles that you have. To add, press the ADD button. Your comment text will be added to the table beneath the source option, along with your target groups, walls, and profiles.
Extracted Posts tab
The posts that need to be shared will be listed here. It will be explained in a specific column if it is not shared because it failed a particular filter. You can DELETE ALL items, EXPORT ALL, and IMPORT a CSV file (if you have one; if not, see the export sample for the CSV format) using the action buttons. You can SEND TO/SPLIT WITH OTHER ACCOUNTS WITH THE SAME TAGS under MORE ACTIONS, as well as RESET ITEMS WITH FAILED FILTERS for this account and for all accounts.
Results tab
The shared items that were successful will be listed here. Additionally, you can see the post’s title, link, source (keyword) used, and post text (if any) here. Additionally, there are action buttons to DELETE ALL, EXPORT ALL, and DELETE, BROWSE (open in a different browser), BROWSE EMBEDDED, and COPY each link individually.