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The Friends tab in the Social profiles section is available only for Facebook and LinkedIn social profiles. Here you can see a list of all your Facebook friends or LinkedIn connections.
This list is updated as soon as you add a profile and JARVEE finishes its synchronization. Depending on how many friends/connections you have, syncing can take from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes.
You can also sync it manually through Social Profiles > click ‘Actions’ beside the account > Sync.
1. On the Friends table, you can see their names, usernames, and URLs (links) to profiles. For Facebook, the URLs are replaced by their Facebook usernames, if the user customized it.
2. Next to each listed user you have the following buttons:
- BROWSE – opens the friend’s profile via an external browser
- BROWSE EMBEDDED – opens the friend’s profile through the embedded browser used by the social account
- COPY – copies the URL of your friend’s profile
- ADD AS OTHER PAGE – Sends your friend’s profile to the Pages tab (Facebook only).
📌 The Friends tab for a Facebook profile is slightly different than the one for a LinkedIn profile. The Facebook account friends tab also has the function to ADD AS OTHER PAGE which will send friends to the Pages tab, this will enable you to post to their respective walls through a Campaign.
Notice that the LinkedIn view also has an additional column for the Tags (if any).
3. To update the list of friends/connections before JARVEE does the synchronization, click on the ‘UPDATE FRIENDS’ button at the top of the Friends’ table
4. In case you want to add all your friends as other pages, you can use ‘ADD ALL AS OTHER PAGES’.
5. To add all your friends as other pages for all Facebook accounts in Jarvee, you can use ‘ADD ALL AS OTHER PAGES FOR ALL FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS’.