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Twitter advanced search operator is a useful yet less known feature to most Twitter users. It is a brilliant feature and it can be utilized to search more efficiently in terms of targeting people or posts in the flood of tweets and Twitter users to date.
Basic operators and when to use them:
- “internet marketing” – this way the search will look for the exact phrase. When you use multiple words as in the example and not using commas it will look for tweets that contain any or both of the above in any order.
- internet OR marketing– you can look for any of the two preferred keywords typing it like this. It’s a very handy option which you can use for example for typing multiple commonly misspelled words with the same meaning.
- internet marketing -affiliate– you can look for tweets that contain internet marketing but not affiliate keyword. This option allows you to exclude some words that you don’t want to appear in your search results.
- #internetmarketing– you can use this option to search tweets and users with these keywords exactly.
- to:influencer– this option will search for all tweets that were sent to “influencer” and the option can be used when you want to track that user’s engagement.
- “football” near:“london”– this way you can search for all tweets about football tweeted near London.
- near:Washington within:10mi – you can search for tweets and users within 10 miles near Washington
- raining J – this operator will find tweets that contain any word you type with a positive attitude. You can use the counterpart of that option as well by using ” :(“. This way you can search for tweets with a negative attitude.
- internet marketing ?– You can use a question mark after your keywords if you want to find tweets that ask a question about internet marketing for example. You can use this option to participate in answering some questions about the topic which can attract attention to your profile.
- internet marketing filter:links– You can use this operator to find tweets containing internet marketing and to get a URL so you could find sites in your preferred niche. See how you can interact with them. The “filter” operator actually has a couple more useful uses:
- filter:retweets– this option will search for tweets that are actually re-tweets.
- filter:replies– you can use this operator to find tweets that are replies. You can perhaps find a discussion about the preferred topic and join and share your opinions and knowledge.
- filter:images– this option will find tweets with images. You can find images on your preferred niche so you could engage with those kinds of tweets.
- filter:videos– very similar to the option before and it allows you to find videos that contain the preferred keyword.
- internet marketing lang:de– this very handy operator searches results for a single preferred language. This example will search only German tweets and users about internet marketing. If you’re only focused on one language it will definitely help limit interaction with other tweets/people that you don’t want to interact with. Before you start making best out of the option you can check out the list of supported languages in the article below:
- survivor since: 2019-5-20– this way you can look for tweets that were posted for your added keyword after the date you’ve entered. In the example we have typed operator will search for all tweets that were posted after 5/20/2019. Also, there is the reverse of the operator as well. For this you can use “until:2019-5-20” and it will show only tweets posted up to that date.
All these basic search operators are quite straightforward and very easy to use, so why don’t benefit from all those options and personalize your searches and make the best out of them.
Besides these basic operators, there are more advanced options where you can combine basic ones to create a powerful search operator that will allow you to search for exactly what you need.
Operators on their advanced use:
- from:User AND -filter:replies – this combination can be used when you want to see only tweets of a particular account and you want to avoid getting retweets.
- Internet marketing lang:en filter:links – this search will give you links for articles about Internet marketing that have been written in English. Also, you can use any language you want, or to do a search for images or videos instead.
- social media ? -news lang:en – you can use this option to find questions about Internet marketing, not have the word “news” in it and questions that are added in the English language.
Using Twitter advanced search operators in Jarvee
Next, we will be talking about is how to use these searches with Jarvee’s tools, how to follow users exactly as if they were searched with these options and how to retweet posts found with these advanced operators.
When you use the Follow tool you can add a keyword that you want to use when following users and when you want to combine it with language filter, just use the language operator as well to make sure you only follow people that you are targeting.
- You can see that when using ‘keyword’ search, you can add the operator as shown in the image above.
- You may also add and combine several operators which will result in more advanced search and you will be able to achieve and search exactly what you’ve been searching for.
- Note that the more advanced search is, the fewer results you are going to get.
- You can also use advanced operators in the Favorite tool and for the Retweet tool.
When you add keywords and text like in the image below, there will be two operators:
1. marketing -filter:replies lang:en – which will search for tweets (because we have ruled out retweets), written in english for the keyword marketing;
2. from:Jarvee -filter:retweets lang:en – which will bring in only tweets (because we have used filters to rule out retweets) made by the @jarvee account and that have been written in English