This is somewhat of a hot subject lately, many of you probably read my previous article on How To Successfully Post To Multiple Facebook And Not Get Your Accounts Limited. I have detailed different things you can try and might help you continue to post on Facebook groups with no problems. Many people complained that some of those methods were a bit hard to implement though so I kept testing things out in the hopes of finding a good and easier way to continue posting and it’s good that I did because I think I found one that still works.
What I’ve discovered is that Facebook doesn’t really care about the total numbers of groups you post in, it mostly looks at your actions. So if all you do on Facebook is post on groups, it will see that fast and take action. What you need to do is hide the group posting among other actions you do on Facebook, those are: wall posts, likes, comments and likes on pages, send messages and friend invites and so on. So what you need to do is set your accounts to not only post in groups but do all these other actions and do a lot of them, the one you can do the most is post on your wall so you can start from there.
Let me show you how you can easily do this:
- The first and most important thing is to create a secondary campaign ( let’s name it “Wall poster”) that you will be using to publish on your wall. Create a destination list with just that account as a destination. Select this destination list as a destination to post to in the where to publish tab of the “Wall poster” campaign.
- In the When to publish tab of the “Wall poster” select maximum number of posts per day 60-80 or something high enough that will ensure this campaign posts often to your wall to hide the group posting. For the publishing delay you can use 300-400 seconds.
- Go to the What to publish tab -> add posts from RSS and add at least 4-7 different RSS feeds that are updated often. The idea here is to have a lot of fresh and good content. The RSS feeds can be anything you want, from news sites, joke sites. You can create an RSS feed from any Pinterest board by adding “.rss” at the end of the URL ( for example for a board from our account you can create an RSS feed like this: ). You can create an RSS feed for almost any Tumblr site by adding “/rss” at the end of the URL and so on. RSS is almost everywhere on the web so I am sure you can find a few great source. Here is how it should look like in the RSS table:
You can play around with the feeds, add links back to the original article, post only images and so on. I would advise that at least for some of the posts you add backlinks to the original article, this way Facebook will see you posting other links as well, not only your link to the groups. - Now that you have your Wall poster campaign created with unlimited content just start it and it will begin to post on your wall. This will hide your post on Facebook groups really well.
This alone will help you a lot by creating a more random pattern of you using your Facebook account, now let’s see what else you can randomize:
- Set the account actions tool for that account to automatically like stuff on your wall that your friends and sites you follow post. You can also enable auto accept friend requests if you have enough spots left as well as automatically send a message to the people you accept as friends. Most of these actions are not shown anywhere though, so it doesn’t hurt you in any way to be generous. Remember not to set it too aggressive as Facebook can ban you from liking stuff as well if you over-do it.
- Set up the “Contact” tool, that can help you send messages to other people or send friend invites. You might want to use only the send friend invites, just go to a group that is in your niche, extract all the members from there and slowly send them friend invites. Make sure to check the “cancel friend request if they do not accept” option and set it to 5 days. Also, don’t over-do it, 5-20 friend requests per day should do it and make your account look good. In time, you’ll have plenty of friends that will follow what you post.
- Lastly there’s the Comment&Like tool. With this tool you can comment and like on posts from pages and groups. As we want to make this as varied as possible, I would advise you to only comment and like on pages, not groups.
I want to re-iterate something that I also said in the previous article. Spinning your post is a must if you want to post on Facebook groups, it needs to be as different as possible. Spinning is quite easy if you use the provided tool in Jarvee, and it usually takes only a couple of minutes. Here’s how one of my articles that I posted with this account looks like:
As you can see all the text is spun and I also add a couple of extra random symbols before the text and around the link. The link is not spinned, just shortened with as the main idea of this share is to get more social signals. If you’re not looking for those and just want people to go to your landing page you can spin the URL as well, thus leaving even fewer traces
In case you’re wondering about the settings of the campaign that is actually doing the group posting here you go :
You will notice that the delay between posts is quite high, 720 seconds to allow time for the wall posting and other tools to do their part as well. This is what worked for me with an old account; you can experiment with the settings and see what works for you. Your account might be new, and you will need to higher the settings even more or you might decide to try and be more aggressive.
This is pretty much it. Again, the idea is to make your account do as many varied actions as possible. For my experiment with this account I only posted to the wall a lot and used the Account Actions tool. I did not set the others to run and it still worked nicely. At the moment I am doing tests with these other tools running as well to see how much I can get away with. I will update this article as soon as I have more results.
What you should take from this is the following: To post on Facebook groups is still very much possible and many people keep doing it because it’s one of the main techniques to drive a lot of traffic from said platform to your site. Don’t give up, just do it smarter.
Let me know how this works for you so we can all improve!
Sandrin says
So spinning syntax is the answer… I was wondering why my posts have been marked as spam… I always used same text :)) I didn’t know that such thing exists. Thanx
Adam says
Yes, it’s incredible but this is the case with many, and it’s such a simple thing to do after you understand what’s it about.
olgyman says
I don’t understand one thing.
If I have to publish something on many different groups I can’t find the spin function in the what to publish folder of the campaign.
Bruce says
Just contact support, we’ll provide you explanation with screenshot if necessary.
Abdullahi says
Adams nice article I have bookmark it, I will definitely put a lot of work on this
Ellen says
I’m currently sharing my website articles manually to 20 groups per day, I’m a member of 250 groups. Can you explain how I can use Jarvee to automatically do that or share a tutorial link that explains how to do that?
Thank you very much.
Adam says
Check out our video tutorials, they will help you understand the process better 😉
Pentatonickc says
where can i get the videos
Adam says
What videos?
J kurve says
where is the video ???
Mary says
I noticed that sales posts have the lowest rate of getting banned or blocked because of them, do you know of any tool that supports posting sales posts to Facebook groups?
Adam says
Jarvee can do that easily 😉
Russel says
Adam, What Campaign is mentioned here? Is it an ad campaign or any other. Please answer.
Bruce says
The campaign mentioned in post is Volume campaign.
John says
Wow this is one heck of an idea. I thought I mastered groups posting using multi level spintext and different accounts with proxies but I never thought about doing other actions to make it harder for Facebook to track my groups posting.
Adam says
Thanks John, the thing is, it really works 🙂
Christine says
Thank you very much for sharing your test results, I have been trying to find a way to avoid getting blocked or getting my posts marked as spam when posting to groups on a daily basis.
You just blew my mind with this, I will give it a try. Thanks again.
Adam says
I am sure that if you implement this you’ll see positive results.
afsheen says
how do i release block of facebook from posting or commenting in my groups?
Adam says
not sure I understand the question, what did they block exactly?
William Jins says
Is there any way to schedule post only to specific group?. I don’t find any quick way(format) to post different things on different groups, for example in morning 2 different post in 2 different groups And in night again 2 different post to 2 different groups(not the same as morning), and again in next day it should be different till loop does not end.
Adam says
Sure it can, go to your campaign – overview , click on advanced settings and in the general tab enable “when publishing send one post for each destination”
Ellie Wong says
Whoever you are..thanks a lot…I was a legit seller on eBay and had no end of trouble with Paypal….also rival sellers buy in groups and get others kicked off….just business….The sellers really help one another too….we need more people like you, so big thanks…..
I could not understand FB…some days so many posts to groups okay…others shut down fast…
They are computers…looking for the ratio, the balance…I am restudying you in detail….
Aalejandro P. Hamblin says
When I share my website link to facebook post. I get this error (“Posts that look like spam according to our Community Guidelines are blocked on Facebook and can’t be edited.”). My website has no content that violates fb community guidelines. My website link is Please help.
Adam says
Try posting just the url, if that error still appears then Fb might have blocked your url for too much spamming/posting it from multiple accounts. If that happened just wait, in time they will un-ban it, in the meantime though you can still post by cloaking it or using the clickable image option.
Michał says
Is there an option to add a specific group by adding URL? How to do that? When I am adding group name it is searching for the similar, but not the exact one
Adam says
You can use the import feature to add it if you know the url
Oscar Mata says
Question, Can Jarvee post in sales groups? I understand that Facebook doesn´t allow that.
Bruce says
Yes, there’s an option in Campaign’s > What to publish tab. Check “Use Facebook Sell post” and you’ll be able to add price, zip code, location, basically everything that you can do when you post on Facebook group manually.
Steve says
Is this method still works?
Saji Varghese says
but intheese feeds how can we add our facebook pages url, because i want to get more followers for the page
Bruce says
Do you mean how to post in FB group as your page?