Are you wondering how to set up Instagram videos and how you can make your business more visible on social channels?
Are you wondering how to make images and videos work for your business? Then let me tell you the importance of Instagram videos and how you can use them to grow your business.
Instagram is not only for those in the food or fashion industry; it is for all businesses big or small.
Fun fact: Instagram is a blend of the words instant camera and telegram.
It is one of the many social networking platforms that you could use for your business to take pictures and videos then share them on Instagram or other social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and the likes. Learn more about this social platform and you will see the importance of videos marketing and how to include it in your marketing strategy.
Instagram is centered on visual content where users can edit or post photos and short videos of up to 15 seconds but no text updates like what is commonly used on Facebook or Twitter.
How to Create an Instagram Account
Before you sign up for an account, you need to download the app to your mobile device since Instagram is a mobile-only app. It is a free app and can be found in both Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. There are two ways of signing up; one is by connecting through Facebook and your personal information is automatically gathered by Instagram which includes the email you used for Facebook and your profile picture. And the second is by putting in your email address which is preferred by some to keep personal and business information separate.
Just like most social networking platforms, you would have the option to edit your profile information and the likes. But in this article, we will focus on making Instagram videos and how to use them for your business.
The first thing you need to know is how to navigate the app. It is pretty simple since at the bottom of the app are the five buttons where you need to go, and these are the Home tab, Search tab, a Camera button, an Activity tab and, of course, your Profile tab.
How to Create an Instagram Content
As I mentioned earlier, Instagram is all about photos or videos. Just tap on the camera button and it will ask you if you want to take a new photo or a new video, or simply select something from your phone’s gallery. After you tap on the next button, you can already start editing your photos or your video.
The next tab is for the Filters, Lux, and Editing tools. Filters are where you can scroll through photo filters that are available to you and help you to change the colors of your images, making them more attractive. Clicking on the desired filter will automatically change your photo, so it is easier to choose the right one. When you tap on the name of the filter, it will show you a slider to adjust its transparency. This is how the #nofilter came to be because it shows your true photo without being enhanced by Instagram filters.
The Lux will adjust the sharpness or exposure of your photos. The Tools section, however, has several options like Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Highlights which are all self-explanatory. And there is an Adjust feature which straightens or rotates your images. Vignette will darken your photo’s edges and Tilt-Shift will blur the outside of the images.
Instagram videos are a bit similar to the options for your images but with slight differences like instead of 3 options, Instagram videos have 4 options. The first option is still about adding Filters. Second is how the video will fit on the screen. The third is choosing a cover frame. And fourth is all about the audio if you want to mute it or not.
Now, why is learning to put an Instagram video so important for your business? Because of the ways you can interact with your target audience and your subscribers:
#1 Instagram Direct – lets users interact privately. Just go to Instagram’s homepage, that’s where you can find Instagram Direct. It lets you send a photo/video which you upload from your gallery. And if you want to send a message instead, you can choose the Send Message option, and you will be taken to a chat screen where you can type your message.
#2 Mentions – just like on Twitter, Instagram lets you @MentionSomeoneHere which can call the attention of whomever you “mention” in your Instagram post.
#3 People Tagging – just like on Facebook, Instagram allows users to “Tag” a certain photo or video to widen the scope of your image or Instagram video.
#4 Liking Photos or Instagram Videos – is the simplest way to connect with someone on Instagram. But instead of the “thumbs up” sign of Facebook, Instagram has a “heart” symbol to show you like the photo or the Instagram videos you’ve come across with.
#5 Instagram Comments – lets you comment on photos and videos via a simple tap on the comment button which will take you to a text box where you can type your message, then hitting the Send button will complete the Instagram comment.
#6 Hashtags – lets other users find your #Instagram content like what’s being used on Twitter and Facebook already. These #hashtags let you check out the competition or those in a similar niche as your brand.
#7 Photo Locations – allow users to add their location which will automatically map out where you’ve been and generate local followers and of course gain additional interaction. You can also see nearby locations which could attract more customers.
How to Advertise on Instagram
Another way that you can use Instagram for your business is through advertising which will appear on the users’ home feeds. Advertising on Instagram can be done with Photo Ads, which allows you to posts photos. But since it is used in advertising, there is an added option to “Learn More” about the “Sponsored Label” found in the photo.
Instagram videos can also be used as Video Ads which is similar to the Photo Ads since it has the “Learn More” button and shows the “Sponsored Label”.
If you want to use multiple photos, you can use Carousel Ads where users can swipe through the photos and see more of what you are trying to advertise.
Creating an Instagram content could be challenging at times, but your photo or your Instagram videos can reach a wide array of your targeted audience which is great for any business or brands. It allows you to share a visual story which could get your subscribers wanting more. Instagram can showcase your creativity which can lure your target audience to your business.
Instagram could give your business that much needed boost because with these photos and Instagram videos, you can disseminate information about ongoing events and promotions. Or even embed these Instagram posts on your website to show your followers and subscribers that your brand or business has an Instagram account, and they are more likely to follow you there too.
Do remember that links do not work on Instagram. It will only work on your profile, so no use of putting it in the captions or photo comments. Instead, add a note on the Instagram video captions or on the photo comments that the website link can be found on your profile. This can help your audience to a specific webpage.
Wrapping it Up
After creating an Instagram account, be sure to learn how to fully navigate it properly so that you can abuse the full potential of Instagram and how it can help your business. Use Instagram Direct, Mentions and People Tagging to maximize the reach of your photos and Instagram Videos. Be constant in liking photos or videos to interact with your audience.
Links don’t work in Instagram comments or captions, and best to put it in your profile instead. Use #hashtags and steer clear of the 30 hashtags allowable in Instagram. Keep it to a minimum. Don’t be a hashtag abuser. See also the tips in our previous article on how you can use the hashtags in the comments, so you can have your posts nice and clean.
Make use of the photo locations options to entice local subscribers to your brand or business.
If you’ve got the resources, then delve into the world of Instagram advertising and explore even more possibilities to broaden your reach.
Use other social networking platforms to share your photos and Instagram videos. Use automation if you have and if you can. Be diligent in sharing; schedule it if you know how. Hope you’ve seen the importance of Instagram videos and how to use them for your business.
Matthew says
Honestly i’d actually suggest people to not use filters till they are familiar with color psychology. Sometimes even the good filters can really decrease your conversion rate.
Logan says
That is a good proposition
Dannie says
i have seen instagram direct being used by blackhat marketers a lot. Mostly in adult cpa related methods. They’d add their victims ( lol ) and then send insta direct messages linking to their CPA offers!
Nihad says
I’m not sure whether it was JARVEE who shared that post, but Instagram mentions is a great way to attract Influencers of your niche for purposes of shoutout marketing!
Logan says
We’ve mentioned that in one of our blog posts as well, nicely pointed out 🙂
Dalyela says
Instagram direct works especially well when you’re hosting a give away. It makes your audience feels much more special hence resulting in long term conversions.
Matthew says
This is indeed a great article, however, i’d like to add that if you’re getting a nice response, do take time out to reply to your audience. That increases the brand image and will help you a lot in the long run
Heather says
In my opinion instagram stories is also an excellent way of marketing your videos. actually it’s the latest way and people should jump on this wagon quick before it gets saturated.
Logan says
We have made a few posts on Instagram stories, be sure to check them out 🙂
John says
links will also not work for ones profile if it turns out to be an affiliate link. Affiliate links, if used without cloaking, will result in an instant ban, so be wary of that guys.
Lara says
Whether you make branding videos, product videos, tutorial videos, testimonial videos or live videos for your business make sure that they are not too long and boring. Make them simple, effective and powerful
Lucian says
Thanks for sharing this with us Jarvee team. Good article, however now we shouldn’t forget to mention videos for Instagram stories and how important they are for every business.
Pippa says
Powerful landing page for your e-book is a must. But in this case I wouldn’t suggest be a regular website, but one neat and simple landing page that will explain how this e-book will solve someone’s problem. You should use this landing page on all social platforms where you decided to be present.
Klaus says
We can make all these steps through Jarvee. We can create IG account, run it, schedule posts, running all possible tools, so, we don’t need anything else beside Jarvee. Thanks for sharing informations. All we need is email address and a little bit willing, we have everything on Jarvee.
Rima says
If you want to make anything out of your business you have to have budget designated for Advertising on Instagram. If you have awesome content, that’s great, but if you want to stand out of other business similar to yours, you have to sponsor your posts.
Frank says
This article is for beginners only and it’s very important to read stuff like this article, to get the basics, to have stable foundations. When we have all of that then we can start making money and start making the house 🙂
Sammuel Loris says
I really love Jarvee articles, they are well organized, simple to read, dynamic and it’s not difficult to apply all information to real situations. I’m really enjoying being a part of this community