Social media is one of the most influential marketing channels right now. And Facebook, even with their constant changes in its organic reach and News Feeds algorithm, is still the most effective in acquiring new fans and customers. Even without having to pay for Facebook Ads!
In our previous guide, we showed you how to schedule one month worth of content for your Facebook Marketing in just 10 minutes with JARVEE and when to post your updates for maximum reach. You know now that you can schedule all your content and still look genuine if you use the right tools.
In this new guide, we will get a bit more advanced. We will explore JARVEE’s tools and some advanced settings to get to the next level with your Facebook Marketing, to speed up the process of growing your Facebook Page and acquiring new followers for your Page and customers for your business.
The whole point of Facebook Marketing is to get people to click on your links so they reach your website, where they can become your clients. This means that you need to know your potential customers and target only those that are more likely to buy your products.
So the first thing to ask yourself is: How to find and connect with the right audience on Facebook?
#1 Finding Your Target Audience On Facebook
I’m sure you have a clear understanding of your target audience. You know how to define your niche and your ideal customer. If you need help with this, let us know in the comments below, and we will write a complete, step-by-step guide on how to define your target audience.
Now, once you have this cleared out, you can start using Facebook Groups to find and attract the right audience for your content. Together with JARVEE’s powerful modules, you will reach more potential customers than ever before.
Facebook groups are communities of thousands of users that share the same interests. Not only that, but they are quite active and engage with fellow group members. So, if you find groups in your niche, join them and start sharing your updates, engage with existing posts and help other members. You will soon start getting impressive traffic and fans from these groups.
The secret is to know how to reach your potential customers and how to present them your offers without sounding like a constant sales pitch. On Facebook, people don’t have the “buy things online” mindset. They’re looking for entertainment. So if you share your sales page with them, they will not click through to it, even if it’s something they might actually need.
Instead, you need to share entertaining, and useful content, that will convert them into buyers later on.
Another strategy would be to invite them to join your mailing list. If you build a reputation of authority in your niche, they will gladly join your mailing list. Then you can convert using e-mail marketing.
Or you can share cleverly crafted landing pages, with proven higher rates of conversion. But again, you first need to build trust among members, and they will certainly follow you.
#2 Find Groups with JARVEE
So you know your audience, your keywords and how to define your niche, now you have to find those people that match your criteria using Facebook Groups.
I’ll show you the exact steps on how to find hundreds (even thousands, depending on your niche) of targeted groups.
First, you need to go to Group Finder:
- in the Tools section select the Facebook account you want to use to join the groups
- the first tab in the Tools window for the selected account is Finder.
- you will see 2 sub-tabs: Group Finder and Page Finder. We will focus on finding groups now, but you can use Page Finder the same way if you want to look for other pages in your niche.
For this exercise, I’ll search for groups within the “social media marketing” niche. This is how I usually do the search:
- Step 1 – Add your keywords in the Keywords field, in the Settings area, separated by comma. I will add keywords like “social media marketing,social media,marketing”. I added just three keywords, but you should add all the keywords that describe your niche to find as many groups as possible.
- Step 2 – Add keywords to be excluded from the search in the Exclude Keywords field. This is very useful to refine your search and get only relevant groups. For example, I am interested only in groups with discussions about marketing with social media. I don’t really want to join groups about “social media news”, so I’ll add this keyword to the exclusion list. But don’t worry, you don’t have to know all the exclusion keywords from the beginning! After the first search, you will see the results that are not relevant and add those keywords to the exclusion list. After a second search, you will see some other irrelevant results and so on. Soon enough you will have a comprehensive exclusions list.
- Step 3 – Choose how many members your groups should have. You can set up a maximum and a minimum number of group members for your results. As you can see in the screenshot, I want to skip those groups with less than 5000 members to make sure I have a pretty decent audience. Depending on your goals you can choose to skip groups with more than a certain number of members as well.
- Step 4 – Choose how many groups you want for each keyword. I will try to find 500 groups for each keyword. This means that JARVEE will find up to 1500 groups for my keywords. Of course, this depends on the popularity of your niche. I’ll suggest starting small on this one, so you can easily review the results. You can run the tool as many times as you want.
- Step 5 – Final touches. Before starting the tool, I suggest ignoring the already joined groups (check the corresponding option) and checking the option to get only open groups. If you choose only open groups, chances are that it’s easier for you to share your content. Usually, the closed groups have more rules in place like only the admins are allowed to post links, or all your content needs to be reviewed each time you share something.
- Step 6 – Start the Group Finder tool. Depending on the number of groups you want to find and the keywords you added, this can take a while. But don’t worry, it is well worth it.
Once the search is over, you can go to Group Finder and review your results. Delete those that are not relevant to your business. Start with the obvious ones. For the remaining ones take a look at their activity, rules and so on.
Click on Browse or Browse Embedded to open the group’s page. You should keep the ones that are more active, with posts in the latest 1 or 5 days, and where you can easily share your content without breaking the rules. If you have a decent amount of groups this shouldn’t take too long.
Try avoiding groups where there are too many rules for posting your own content, or where you need special approvals and so on. This will make it hard to automate the process and can cost you a lot of time and … headaches.
For the best results stick with the highly targeted groups, where you can add value with your content and the members are very active. This will help you grow your fanbase and create a great community in your niche.
#3 Join Groups With JARVEE
So, now you have a good-looking list with groups in your niche. The next step is to join all of these groups.
- Step 1 – Send the groups to the Group Joiner tool. After you reviewed your groups and you settled with the most attractive and targeted ones, you need to select them and send them to the Joiner tool. Either you select them one by one, or use the Select All button, after you’re done click on the “Send Selected To Joiner” button in the drop-down above the list:
- Step 2 – Joiner settings setup. You will see the selected groups in the Joiner tab now, in the Waiting for a Join Request section. Before starting the Joiner tool, you need to pay attention to a couple of settings.
First, you need to have delays in place before joining another group. Second, you need to set a maximum amount of groups to be joined per day. If you are just starting using this method, I suggest leaving the default delays: between 1800 and 3600 seconds (JARVEE will choose a random number in this interval each time, to avoid looking “too automated”). And start by joining between 10 and 15 groups per day. You can increase these numbers over time.
The trick is to pace yourself and not join too many groups too fast because Facebook will consider this suspicious. If you want long-lasting results, you need to be patient.
- Step 3 – Start the Group Joiner Tool. Once the join request is sent to the groups, you will see them move from Waiting for a Join Request to the Active Join Request area. The “status” for each group will be updated after the group owner approves the request.
#4 Share Your Content On Targeted Groups
You discovered your audience, you joined their communities, now it’s time to build trust, to grow your Page and get traffic to your website.
What better way to do this than to share your content with the members of the groups?
The key to growing your Facebook Page or account (on any social network for that matter) is consistency. This is why people always fail: they get started strong by sharing content for a few weeks and then drop off for an entire month.
To get more followers and traffic you need to have a consistent activity on social media. That’s why tools like JARVEE can make your life ten times easier. You can schedule your valuable content to be shared on your profile’s wall, on your Facebook page or with any group that you belong to.
We already showed you how to build up a steady stream of valuable content for your Facebook page in our previous tutorial. You can always add to the campaigns other types of content depending on your niche and marketing materials.
Now, our plan is to get the attention of as many potential clients as possible by scheduling our blog posts, marketing offers or updates with the members of the groups we just joined using Group Joiner.
This time, we’re talking about hundreds of groups, so we can’t use a standard campaign to schedule the updates. We need to use a Volume Campaign.
The first difference between a standard and a volume campaign that you will notice is that you can’t set up timers for your updates. Let’s say you joined 500 groups in your industry. You want to share your blog posts with all these groups, right? If you shared your content with all these groups at the same time, considering there is no human being on this planet that could post something in 500 groups that fast, Facebook would have probably sense that something is out of this world. And then you would wake up to a message from Facebook saying that your account is restricted due to some strange activity.
That’s why JARVEE will use some delays when posting your content on all the groups you joined and it will take some time until it is posted in all the groups.
So, here are the exact steps on how to create a volume campaign that will share your content with all the targeted groups you joined:
- Step 1 – Create a destination list of all the Facebook Groups you joined.
Go to Destination List tab, click on ADD DESTINATION LIST and give it a suggestive name. Check the option to “Auto Select New Groups for the chosen accounts” – this is important because you don’t want to come back every time a join request was approved to add the newly joined groups. Group Joiner will continue doing its job, and the new groups will be automatically added to the destination list.
Now Select the Facebook account and add the already joined groups.
- Step 2 – Create a Volume Campaign
- Step 3 – Add your marketing content.
We’ll skip the adding content part in this tutorial. If you want to read this again or need a few pointers, just take a look to our previous guide here or to our video tutorials. - Step 4 – Add your destination list. Go to Where To Publish and choose the destination list you created for your targeted groups.
- Step 5 – Choose proper settings for your posting. This is what I was talking about before. You will not set up timers but instead delays to make sure you don’t post too fast. If you have hundreds of groups, I recommend starting with the default settings. With time, when you get more experience with the groups you can play around with the number of posts per day and the delays. But for now, these are pretty safe.
- Step 4 – Review your Posts List and start the campaign. If everything is ok in the Post List tab, go to the Overview tab and start your campaign. Don’t forget to add a descriptive name to your campaign.
If the only thing that you want to do on Facebook is to promote your offers to a large number of groups, then you need to read this tutorial too:
This is one of our case studies on how to automate your posting on Facebook without getting your accounts temporarily restricted. What we found is that you need to pace yourself and don’t post too much content in a short period of time, take other actions apart from posting on groups like wall posts, likes, comments and you will be just fine.
#4 Like And Comment To Grow Your Fanbase
In social media, there is an unwritten law that when people like or comment on your content, you should return the favor. This works wonders on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram, where if you like or comment on someone’s posts, they will like or comment back on some of your content. Or if you follow people, a good percent of them will follow you back.
On Facebook, you can put a spin on this strategy with similar (or even better) results. You can use the “like & comment” strategy to get the attention of your target audience. Whenever you like someone’s post in a group, for example, that person will get a notification, and they can check you out. Or you can comment on a post and get the attention of all the group members involved with that post.
Another trick is to search for your competitors and reach their fans. It’s not stealing customers; it’s just “sharing” followers. If these, people like to follow your competitors’ pages, then there is a good chance that they would like your page too. And maybe down the road, you can manage to convert them (with honest, good value proposition ๐ ).
You can do this manually or, of course, you can use this on autopilot with the JARVEE’s Like&Comment tool. If you want to explore more about this tool you can watch our video tutorials or check out our knowledge base.
#5 How to maximize your Facebook traffic even more
By now, you have your content that you share with your followers and potential customers on a regular basis. You grow your fanbase and at the same time, you drive more traffic to your posts than ever before.
How to still maximize these benefits?
Here’s a trick: start sharing your old posts for even more clicks and traffic. The chances are that the first time you posted them, they reached only a part of your fanbase. Thus increasing your exposure on the second and third time you share them.
With JARVEE you can check the “Re-Add published posts at the end of your post list” option in the Posts List tab of your campaigns, and your posts will be added to be published again at a different time in the future.
An even better trick is to avoid using the same descriptions every time you share your posts. This will make you look spammy or just ignored and hurt your growth. You can avoid this by using spin syntax in your posts description.
Another trick to effectively explode your traffic is to contact influencers in your niche and convince them to expose you to their audience. One way to do this is to contact them after you publish a blog post and ask them to check it out and share it with their followers (if they like it). You can do this by e-mail, or using the Contact Members Module in JARVEE.
Here is a video tutorial to explore this tool: 6. Getting More Attention to Your Account.
Key Takeaways
- Know your target audience if you want to make it big with Facebook Marketing and get all the traffic that you want (and deserve)
- Use Group Finder to search for groups that match your target audience
- Join the active groups in your niche and start sharing your content with their members
- Like and Comment to posts shared by your target audience to get their attention
- Search for your competitors and interact with their followers too by liking and commenting to their posts
- Share your blog posts more than once for double the traffic
- Don’t use duplicate descriptions for your posts
- Your traffic will surely explode if you get influencers to share your posts.
Melissa says
I always stayed out of Facebook groups posting because I hated people spamming the groups I liked with their offers that might even be different than the group niche but in last few days I talked with a friend of mine who is posting in groups and getting a good amount of traffic. So, here I’m learning how to do it hahaha
Diana says
Amazing article Adam,
And we can do the same in Google Plus and LinkedIn groups to share our articles and reach more people.
Adam says
Jason says
Any idea how much traffic I might get if I’m posting to 80 – 100 groups on a daily basis?
Thank you for sharing these tips with us.
Adam says
It depends on a lot of things, how active those groups are, what niche they’re in and even on what you actually post. You’ll have to do some tests and see for yourself.
John says
80 groups and not get banned or action blocked?
Lilianna says
Each day I find out some new things about Jarvee I didn’t know and I just can’t believe how many features this software has! Awesome work guys, thank you for all that you do.
I came to use this software for my Instagram account, but then I realized how many things I can do with my facebook page, great stuff!
Adam says
Wait till you see what you can do with the other 4 platforms as well ๐
Danny says
Can we use jarvee directly for our facebook page ?
as my facebook page is connected with my personal account and i dont want to use my personal account with jarvee.
please explain me
Adam says
It’s not how it works unfortunately and that’s because Facebook says so, not us. Many actions you can do as an account only and not as a page so facebook requires you to have an account associated. You can create a secondary account and add admin privileges to that page if you want and this way you’re not using your main account.
Drew S Germaine says
And how do we do that? If I can’t post and like ‘as’ my business page, this is all useless.
It’s really doing my head in.
Bruce says
They’ve changed few things since that comment is posted, now you can post as your page and join groups. For more info contact support.
Rya says
Hello.. Maybe you can help me. I am trying out your software. With my company I of course have a Facebook Page. Everything I can see through Jarvee the account it is connecting to is my personal account. Any way I can just use my facebook page?
Adam says
Not really, as facebook doesn’t allow people to do many actions as a page. You can’t join groups or do anything group related, you can’t add friends or use many other features, all these can only be done as the main account. There are a few things you can do as a page though, you can try doing only those.
WDT says
What are those few things?
Adam says
You can delete posts as a page, invite people to like your page as that page and you can use the comment and like tool, with the pages source enabled and do these actions as your page instead of your main account.
Jimmie says
This is my first time reading your content and I must say that I’m impressed, I never thought that there are tools to auto find, join and post in groups. I stayed out of that strategy just becuase it takes a lot of time to do it manually but it can be done automatically as well.
Thank you very much for opening my eyes to Social Media Automation world. Also, your blog colors are amazing.
Adam says
Thank you, glad to help ๐
Rene says
By “sharing” do you mean posting to groups? So creating a new post in each group? Or can you also share an existing post?
Is there a way to create a sequence? Like
1. Create a post on Page X (which you own)
2. Share that post to the groups on your destination list?
Again. I don’t mean creating a new post in those groups but rather taking the existing/created post and share it?
Adam says
You can definitely share – exactly what you’re looking for. You post one main post to your page and then share it by clicking the share button to other groups. In Jarvee just go to campaigns, click on a campaign and under “what to publish” there’s a “share post” . You can add here your page and it will work as a rss feed, it will automatically pick up all new posts on that page. It will then share them on the groups you selected in the destination list you chose in the “where to publish” tab.
One mention though, sometimes if you share too much Fb won’t allow you to share anymore for a period of time. If that happens it will post the link to the post to the groups instead of sharing .
Natasha says
Can you add a description (with spinning) when sharing your page posts in Facebook groups using the โShare post?โ Or can you only add a description with “RSS postsโ?
Thank you!
Adam says
You can, use the signature option from Overview – “enable signature to add a custom text” . Just make sure you create a separate campaign for this so it won’t add this signature to all your other posts as well.
Julian says
Loving all these features!
One question though, my clients are using Facebook Pages to promote their events. My understanding is that there are only limited features with pages, so to fully enjoy the Jarvee experience I would recommend my clients to make a separate Facebook user as a company/or to manage their personal Facebook account in order to get the most momentum with Jarvee?
Adam says
The separate Facebook user might be the best option as some people might have the page on their personal account and might not want to give that away.
,jeroen says
Hy, I watched several hours video for instagram settings in Jarvee dues this also excist for facebook?
Bruce says
Contact support, let us know what tools you want to use and we’ll help you set them up correctly.
AT says
Hi Adam,
I always thought we cannot post with our Business Page.
Do we post with our Personal Page? How do we link that to our Biz Page?
ty so much!
Bruce says
To use Jarvee for your Facebook page, you have to add FB account, personal or dummy account, that has administrator or editor role on that page. Afterwards, all you have to do is create destination list that contains your page and add it to campaign.
If you thought about posting to groups as your page, I’m afraid that’s impossible, with one exception – when FB Page is connected to FB Group (when FB page is administrator of the group).
John Dingleberry says
Any idea on how to get more likes on facebook posts for Business accounts? and more likes for business pages?
Bruce says
Sharing posts to groups, make sure you post engaging content, something that will cause emotions from readers. Regarding likes for business page, well, you will need couple of profiles with a lot of Facebook friends so you can use our Invite tool and invite them to like your business page.
Adrien says
Please can you write a complete, step-by-step guide on how to define your target audience.
sathasivam tharsikan says
jarvee is amazing but please add dark mode option