If you want to stay ahead of the competition in almost any area of life, being updated with current knowledge/latest trends about the said category gives you a solid edge.
Needless to say, It is even more essential in the world of marketing.
So, today we’ll be talking about some of the biggest and most effective social media marketing trends for 2018 that all marketers should be updated with.
Knowing these trends will aid you in devising an efficient business plan while also helping you get a leg up on the most effective social media strategies today.
So let’s get started
1. Video
Our number one trend for 2018 is Video.
Video finally takes center stage, particularly live streams.
Last year almost every skilled marketer on the planet called for the rise of video in 2017.
Obviously, those predictions came true, but 2018 is where the majority of brands and marketers adopt video as a mainstay in their marketing programs.
The reason being is that technology is making it super easy for brands and marketers to create high quality and engaging videos.
And of course we can’t forget that videos actually work. It’s not just a fad, as a matter of fact a recent study from Word Stream found that videos generate 1,200 percent more shares and engagement than images and links combined.
So in 2018 marketers and brands that can keep their audience’s attention for more than 30 seconds with video are the ones that are gonna see big rewards on social media.
Here is a great video that will enhance your knowledge about video marketing.
2. Instagram Stories
More then 500 million people use Instagram which is around 20 percent of the Internet users.
Out of it, 300 million people use Instagram stories every single month. That’s 50 million more than Snapchat. Moreover, Snapchat usage declined from 15 to 40 percent since Instagram stories were launched. Keep in mind, Instagram stories is just 1 year old.
So brands and marketers interested in growing their Instagram account must learn to master Instagram stories.
Why you asked?
Because of Instagram’s algorithm. Posting the Instagram stories has a positive effect on the rest of your content.
Not to mention it helps to give your brand a more authentic and human feel, something that people are most certainly looking for nowadays on social media.
There are some big brands already taking advantage of this feature.
With that said, if you own an Instagram account, you should take this feature into account in your marketing strategy and make the best use of it for your products and services.
Here is a tutorial to get you acquainted with Instagram stories if you aren’t already.
3. Influencer Marketing
Our number three trend for 2018 is the continued investment in influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing is rising rapidly and will boom in 2018 as a dedicated part of social media marketing. In addition to this, influencers and influencer marketing agencies will be professionally hired by larger digital marketing and social media agencies.
Here are some stats if you’re still on the fence.
Influencer marketing drives 11 times the ROI than traditional forms of digital marketing.
40% of consumers report that they purchase an item after seeing an influencer talk about it on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Companies like North Face, Patagonia, Lemon and lots of other brands are using influencer marketing to connect with audiences in ways that they previously could not through traditional forms of marketing.
So in 2018, expect to see a bigger investment from brands on influencer marketing, especially targeted at younger generations who, as we will discuss in trend #5, are a bit harder to reach on these more closed platforms.
This is a good beginners’ video on finding influencers:
At number four is the increasing brand participation in messaging apps and chat BOTS.
No, we’re not talking about the annoying chatbots on Tinder!
Did you know that over 2 billion people worldwide use messaging platforms? Yet brands and marketers are still hesitant to jump on this massive trend.
In reality, most people use messaging apps like Whatsapp or Facebook messenger more than they actually do social media networks.
If you’ve dug in a little on some activity of popular brands, you’ll notice they have a chatbot for their Facebook page which will make customer service easier and accessible.
In the near future, you’ll be able to do things like allow customers to shop, ask questions and deliver content to them in a variety of other awesome use cases for these automatic chatbots and messenger tools.
As time passes by, more and more brands will try to integrate AI into their social media marketing activities and introduce AI-powered Chatbots for their customer interaction. With that, it will slowly grow on other social media platforms as well.
So in 2018, you can definitely expect brands and marketers to invest more time, resources and effort into connecting with their audiences on messaging platforms.
So, When are you designing a chatbot for your brand? If you want to start now you can have a look at this video:
5. GEN Z
Generation Z was born roughly between 1995 and 2016, meaning that the oldest people in that generation are now turning around 22 years old. So many of these youngsters are entering college or about to join the workforce, and in marketing terms, that means they will soon have a ton of buying power.
In 2018, brands will start to recognize this buying power and start to shift their social media strategies accordingly.
Marketers and brands can expect a huge investment in platforms that GenZ’rs love.
Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, messaging apps, HQ, house-party, in other words, more closed platforms.
So, when is GenZ going to get a glimpse of your brand?
6. Brand protection
With all the copyright breach, fraud news, mudslinging, duplicate content and what not on social media. To keep a check on this, Platforms will make sure to scan and assess the content that’s being published.
Social networks will introduce a lot of new techniques. At the same time, brands will also have to be careful as it affects their reputation as well.
This is in addition to the fact that Google and other search engines are already taking strict steps against non-relevant and copied content.
So the crux of this is that if you’re completely white-hat in terms of marketing and content, you’re going to greatly benefit from this.
But if you go a little black-hat, you’ll be risking a Google penalty or even a ban from a social media network.
Play safe.
7. Mobile first content
According to research, 70% of the media time is spent on smartphones and 81% of people watch at least one hour or more of online videos per day.
With these statistics, it is only wise to optimize your marketing efforts with mobile and smartphones in mind.
Plan and create your content for mobile and by that, we mean create content in such a way that it is easily consumable for the people. A 2000 word, boring article will be ignored instantly by mobile users or users in general.
Be short, but precise.
Here are some of the best mobile marketing campaigns
8. Virtual And Augmented Reality
Introduction of VR and AR devices in the market and their easy availability led to the rise of many online games such as Pokemon Go.
However, in the coming years, augmented reality will not be limited to games. Social media companies will soon find ways to introduce their platforms in other formats as well. In fact Facebook has already launched a project known as Facebook Spaces.
You can check it out here;
It is predicted that most of the digital world will shift to AR and VR.
Hence, it is a must for you to get a grip of these platforms so your product/service doesn’t face issues in adjustment with such platforms.
These were the 8 most noticeable Social media trends of 2018.
As a Business owner or a marketer, you must be completely updated with the new trends.
As a wise man once said
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
Cori Ramos says
Thanks for sharing these trends with us!
I need to do more videos but #4 Messaging and Chat and #5 Gen Z are other areas I need to get on board with. Thanks goodness I have GEN Z kids to bounce ideas off of to see what would work and what won’t. 🙂
Have a great day and rest of the week!
Adam says
Haha, that should definitely help, try it out and let us know how well it worked 🙂
Dottie Rummler says
Video has honestly become the Norm these days.
It has been proven several times that a person is more likely to watch a 3-minute video compared to 1000+ word article. Yet some brands still resort to the old style of writing lengthy content with no video on their web page. When will these guys learn…
Adam says
Exactly Dottie!
Bill Dachelet says
In my opinion Live streaming has insane conversion ratios! Webinar marketing is one such example, It’s a game changer for those selling information products.
It would be nice If you guys would later do a tutorial on marketing webinars on Social Media. That would be Awesome!
Adam says
Not a bad idea at all, I’ll add that to my list 🙂
The real Bill Dachelet says
Adam – I’m searching for instances of my name being spoofed (or accounts hacked). I don’t think there is another Bill Dachelet alive and the above message didn’t come from me. I think you may have replied to a bot of some kind. Just fyi. Since I’m being paranoid, I’m putting fake info in the contact stuff below – sorry about that.
Connie says
Snapchat Usage Declined by 40%? Why do you guys think It decreased so drastically?
Adam says
Well, things change so fast for these social networks nowayds, Twitter seems to be on the rist again – go figure 🙂
Elane Donelon says
Influencer Marketing works extremely well for drop shipping. I bought 10 Shoutouts from shoutcart.com for $100 in total and was able to make a 300% ROI.
It’s something pretty new and cheap so better get your feet wet before the prices shoot up, people!
Adam says
Nice ROI, it’s not easy to get it that good on the first try though 🙂
Toya Delee says
I chuckled at the tinder chat bots lol! I wonder how do the spammers make money out of spamming tinder.
Jokes aside, I see a lot of potential in chatbots. It is a very unique way of engaging with the consumer and from what I have observed, many say that the conversion rates are pretty solid though chatbots.
Adam says
Well, a lot of horny people willing to do anything, there’s always money to be made out of that!
Mike Deischer says
I like how you guys pinpointed Gen Z out!
Gen Z is going to be the main focus of big brands as they are going to literally dominate the internet.
Lashanda Mentnech says
Will it requires marketers to find new ways of converting Gen Z since they have a considerably different mindset than compared to previous generations?
Adam says
Yeah, I’d say so
Ollie Hetu says
I have been thinking about #8 for some time. Something inside me indicated Facebook will be dominating the virtual advertisement market and become the next Google of the future.
Adam says
Not sure about that, but you definitely can never know for sure 🙂
ANAND says
How to do social media marketing with Multi niche blog. Can I create separate page for separate niche or only one page for all niches.
Adam says
It will be hard to do multiple niches on the same site unless you’re huge, like Amazon on the likes. I’d recommend you do one niche per site or strap in for the very long run.
Lucia says
It’s obvious that Video will be trending for a long time. I came across one research where it says that YouTube is number one video streaming platform in the USA and I believe everywhere else. This means that having a YouTube channel for your brand would be an awesome decision, if it’s applicable.
Nikki Winnie says
Thanks for sharing guys! Well, as you said “Batch and Blast” is not recommended, it doesn’t mean that all followers will be following all accounts, there are different people are using different platforms. However, for sure optimal solution is to have unique content for each social network.
Scarlet says
Influencer marketing is such a powerful tool. I experienced so many times that it works on me personally and it worked for our brand. Influencers are people who have spent time building their own brand and cultivating their audience that are genuinely respecting their opinion. They are respective about their reputation and they will not just promote anything for money. When they tell you good about something that means that they are telling you the truth.
Hugo says
i see that this article is pretty old, but still actual because these trends from 2018 are not over, they are present today more than 2 years ago and i can’t see some special movements,events and improvements which can lead to some other trends.
Tiarna Calhoun says
It’s 2020 and these are still trends that some social media users are missing out It’s interesting that these are still trends that are valid, but they developed in different directions. Looking forward to seeing what the future will bring. Thanks for sharing!
Chip Love says
All these trends are present today, I will only add the fact that they are even more present today, especially with TikTok on the scene, videos are popular more than ever.
Alis Westermil says
Virtual reality was and it is still the dream, of course there are some positive moves but we can expect the boom of this trend very soon