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The Global Tools was created in order to have one place where you can easily access and manage certain tools on all Valid Instagram accounts you have in Jarvee.
Among the tools included in the Global Tools is the IG Story Viewer tool and this is the focus of this tutorial.
How to use IG Story Viewer tool?
To start using the tool > go to Global Tools > click on IG Story Viewer tool
On this tool, you can see all the Stories shared on the accounts you are running in Jarvee.
IG Story Viewer tab
Let’s divide the Story Viewer tab into 5 sections:
- Actions on stories section
- Filters section
- The accounts section
- The users section
- Stories section
1. Actions On Stories section
Below is the list of action buttons and what they do:
- SELECT ALL – you can select all the accounts at once.
- SELECT NONE – remove all the selection marks.
- EXPORT VIEWERS FOR SELECTED ACCOUNTS– this option will generate a CSV file that contains information about the users that viewed your account stories (The account name, Viewer userID, Viewer Username, if the viewer is private or not)
- Create HIGHLIGHTS FOR SELECTED ACCOUNTS – this option will enable you to create highlights for your stories.
- ADD SELECTED STORIES TO HIGHLIGHT – this option will enable you to add stories to your highlights.
- REFRESH SELECT USER STORIES- to refresh the user stories.
2. Filters section
Since this is a Global Tool, all your accounts are included in the IG Story Viewer tool. And to help you narrow down and only show what you need, you can use the following filters:
- Filter– you can use this box to filter your accounts and show only the accounts you want. You can use operators such as || for OR; && for AND ; ! for NOT
- Filter users– if you want to search for a specific this is the filter you should use
- Filter by Tag – utilize this option to filter your accounts by a tag; this filter comes handy when you want to see only the stories of accounts that have the same tag.
3. The Accounts section
This is the section where you will find all your valid accounts. You can click on the accounts from this section and the users that have stories will show on the right side of it or at the users section.
4. The Users section
This is the section where you will find all the users that have active stories for the selected Instagram account.
✅ How to view the stories of the user:
- To view the stories of the user, just can click on the username
- And the active stories of that user will automatically upload at the right side of it
5. The Stories section
From this section, you will see all the active stories of the selected user fro ‘the users section’
- You can click on the stories to view them directly
- If you want to save, view, send or reply to the stories, simply click on the respective action button
- Use the ‘send’ option if you want to send the story to a campaign for posting