Search The JARVEE Knowledge Base
In JARVEE’s efforts to give you the best possible experience, updates are done on a regular basis. And you will see all the necessary information regarding the updates that were rolled out through the “What’s new” tab.
Here you’ll find the changelog which lists all the new features that were recently added, changes we made in the application and fixes for possible bugs.
The updates are listed from the most recent release on top followed by the previous ones. It includes the version of the update and date when it was released.
📌 Be sure to visit this tab from time to time so are you are kept posted with regards to all the changes. You might find some of the new features very interesting and useful. Thus, you’ll be able to make use of them right away.
Also, this will help you save time in terms of sending requests for features or problems that were already solved.
You can also easily look for an item by using the Filter text box on the upper left corner of the tab.