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We know that most of you use a Windows VPS for your Jarvee for various reasons including power and accessibility.
While you can connect to your VPS from any computer, you also have the option to quickly access it through selected iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) and of course via Android devices whenever you need to.
In this article, we will show you how easy it is to access your VPS from your Android phone or tablet.
How to check your VPS via Android phone?
1. Download a Remote Desktop App
You can either purchase a Remote Desktop Program client to your Android device or get a free app via Google Play Store. From there you will see several apps such as Microsoft Remote Desktop App which is the app that we will use for this guide.
2. After downloading and installing the app, you will be redirected to the User Agreement screen, just tap on the ACCEPT button.
3. Next, you can start creating your connection by tapping the “ + “ symbol at the upper right corner of the screen.
4. Now, you need to add your VPS details (IP and Username) in the designated fields.
PC Name – you need to input your VPS IP here.
User name – you have the option to enter the username each time you connect or you can tap on the drop-down arrow and tick ‘Add user account’ option which is highly recommended so you don’t need to enter the username whenever you want to connect to your VPS.
Upon selecting ‘Add user account’, you will be prompted to enter the username and password of your VPS. Add the required credentials then tap ‘Save’.
For most VPS, the default username is ‘Administrator’ unless you’ve changed it.
5. Now, you are done with creating your connection. To connect to your VPS, just tap on the connection you’ve created and you’ll see the screen where it shows initiating the remote connection.
6. When the connection to your VPS is successfully established, you may now check on your Jarvee. You can either drag the mouse pointer or use you can opt to use touch mode which is more convenient.
To use ‘Touch mode’, you will need to tap on the three lines symbol beside the small keyboard symbol (see where the arrow is pointing on image below) and click ‘Touch’.
If you want to switch back to ‘Mouse Pointer’ mode, just tap the respective option.
And if you want to disconnect from your VPS, just tap the ‘ X ‘ from the small VPS window at the upper left side of the screen.
7. Finally, for quick access, you can add the remote desktop icon on the home screen of your device and simply launch it whenever you want to check on your VPS. Keep in mind that you need to have a stable internet connection to access your VPS.