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The Jarvee Contact Tool for Instagram allows you to automatically send messages to other users from the supported extraction links and new followers. It also lets you reply to new messages.
You can access it by navigating to TOOLS page then click on MORE TOOLS or by clicking on the Instagram account – Contact tab.
It has 6 sub-tabs: Extract Users, Auto Extract, Use Extracted Users, Send Messages To New Followers, Auto Reply To New Messages and Send Messages.
Extract Users
On this sub-tab, you can extract users from a valid extraction link. You can extract followers, followings, commenters of an account, likers of an account and so on. A list of sample extraction links is displayed in the extraction box.
To start extracting, simply:
- Set the number of users you want to extract
- Specify the extraction link
- When all is set (including the User Filters* you want to use), just click on the ‘Extract Users’ button
- Should you wish to stop the extraction, just click on the ‘Stop OngoingExtractions’button
* User Filters:
Use the filter/s to extract only those users that will pass your preference.
- Skip Non-English Users: this will check the username/fullname, bio or post caption for Non-English characters or alphabets and will skip them(Emojis are considered an English character)
6– 8. These filters are helpful for filtering bot accounts in terms of followers/followings that the account has.
9 – 10. This will check users bio/username/name for invalid words
- Specify a minimum/maximum of post a user must have
- Here you can set the value to how many days since a user has posted).
- This option will skip followers
- You can either skip or only extract business accounts
- You can either skip or only extract accounts with a website
- You can either Skip or only extract accounts with phone numbers
- Enable this option is you only want to extract users with a public email
- This will skip private users
- Extract users based on gender and language.
- Here you will see the extraction progress on the table right below the extraction box.
Auto Extract
The Auto Extract sub-tab works pretty much the same way as the Extract Users. While with the latter, you will need to always add the extraction link and initiate the extraction, using the Auto Extract, you can add the extraction links where you want to scrape users from on a regular basis and Jarvee will do it automatically every X hours.
To start auto extracting:
- Start the tool
- Add the extraction link
- Split Extracted users to your accounts
- Set how often you want the extraction to happen and set a specific time to extract
- Indicate the number of users you want to extract
- Split Extracted users to accounts with the same tag
- User Filters – this works similarly as the User Filters in the ‘EXTRACT USERS’ tab.
- Here is where you will find the results of the extraction process.
Use Extracted Users
All users extracted via Extract Users and Auto Extract sub-tabs are sent to the Use Extracted Users sub-tab. From here, you will see 2 sections:
A. Select Users From The List – this is where you will see the extracted names, you can tick the checkbox beside the name of users you want to send a message to.
💡 As you may have noticed, there are several action links available above and below the ‘Select Users From The List’ table.
- Top – Advanced Selection, Remove Selected, Export Selected and Import Users
- Bottom – Select All, Select None
- More Actions button – Split Selected Users Between Accounts With The Same Tag (users will be sent to Use Extracted Members tab of other accounts with the same tag), Split Users and Send To ‘Send Messages’ Of Same Tag Accounts and Send To Follow Specific Users (use this option if you want to add the selected users to the follow specific users Source of the Follow tool)
B. Add Messages To Selected Users – here you will see the message text box where you can type the message you want to send. You can also attach a video or image to your message.
Below it, you will find the options
- Send Second Message – you can choose to send a second message after X hours from the time the first message was sent. You can either send the second message only if the user has replier OR if the user has not replied.
👉 Click here to know more about how sending secondary messages work.
- Remove Selected Users From the List After Clicking SEND – this will remove the username from ‘Select Users List’ section after it’s been sent to the ‘Send Messages’ sub-tab
- Ignore Users Who Already Received A Message – Jarvee will skip selected users who have been sent to the ‘Send Messages’ sub-tab
- Automatically Send Messages To New Users – newly added names would automatically be selected to receive the message
📌 After you have selected the users, added the message and configured the additional options (not mandatory), you can proceed by clicking the ‘Add To Send Message List’ button.
Send Messages To New Followers
If you want Jarvee to automatically send a message to your new followers, this will be your “go to” sub-tab.
To begin:
- Tick the checkbox ‘Send New Followers A Message’
- Input x and y value to specify the time you want the tool to execute. You can also add Interval and Randomize intervals daily.
- User Filters – here you can use additional filters to narrow down the new followers you will be sending the messages to.
- Message Text – Here you can add your message. Use spin syntax if you want a more personalized message.
- You can either add Photos or Video to go along with your messages.
- Additional options:
- Enable Share profile – You can share profiles by adding usernames in the provided field.
- Send Secondary message – you can set up send secondary messages to new followers after a specified time. You can also choose to send only if the user has replied or if the user has not replied.
- Here you can check this option to prioritize sending the message to the newest followers. The newest followers will be added on the top of the Pending Message List.
- Specify how many minutes before Jarvee checks for new followers and how many most recent followers will Jarvee go through during the process.
- Accept pending friend requests – this option only applies for private users
- Reject pending friend requests – this option only applies for private users
- Here you can specify the x and y hours before Jarvee sends the message.
- Extract now – After setting up the tool, you can finally click on this to start extracting new followers, you will find the extracted users in the Pending Messages in the “Send Messages” tool.
👉 Click here to know more about how sending secondary messages work.
Auto Reply To New Messages
This option will automatically check newly received Direct Messages and respond to them accordingly. (Note that it will only apply for messages received from the time the tool was started).
1. Stop and Start switch – click this when you are about to start or stop the extraction of New Messages. Once it is started, all the extracted New Messages will be added to the “PENDING SEND MESSAGE” list found in the “Send Messages” Tab where you will also find the Stop and Start function when you are about to send out messages or stop the operation as shown in the image below:
2. Execute Between – this allows you to customize the time when you want the tool to execute, you can also add Time Intervals as well as randomize the intervals daily.
3. Enable reply based on Trigger words – this is are a really handy feature. You can add keywords (use “,” as a separator or use wildcards i.e.: car* it will include/match all words that start with car or *car* it will include/match all words that contain ‘car’.) You can also use the Tokens listed.
4. Once you have added Trigger words, you can then add specific messages to use when replying to messages that contain the trigger words you specified. To make it more unique, Jarvee allows you to use spin text to easily create multiple varied responses (you can also add Emoji from the “Add Emoji” button). You can download the guide on how to use the Spin Text feature here:
After adding Reply Message Text you can then click “ADD KEYWORDS TRIGGER” button.
Spin Text button – Here you can edit your reply as well as see the Statistics of the spin syntax.
5. After clicking “ADD KEYWORDS TRIGGER” button, this is where you will see the summary of the keywords and the corresponding messages that will be sent out.
Keyword Triggers are applied top-down when replying to message, the first one that matches will be the one used, even if multiple keyword triggers are applicable
6. You can also send photos and or a video along with the messages you created. All you have to do is either click on “PHOTOS” or “VIDEO” and upload the images or video. (Note: Make sure to limit your Videos to a maximum of 60 seconds.)
7. Reply to messages that contain specific words – unlike Trigger words which allows you to customize a certain reply for specified Trigger words, this option will reply to messages containing the specific words using the reply you added in the message text.
When you use the Trigger words option, you should uncheck the “Reply to messages that contain specific words” and vice versa. When both options are checked take note that “Reply to messages that contain specific words” has the priority over the other option.
So if you have that checked and you say reply to messages containing “love, animals, birds” then if in Trigger words you have “animals” it will work. But if you have different trigger words no reply will be extracted because first the one with “love, animals,birds” (“Reply to messages that contain specific words” has the priority) will be respected and then the Trigger words option after that.
8. Do not reply to messages that contain specific words – You can add the multiple words in the field (separate the words using a comma). If the messages contain any of the words listed, it will not reply to that particular message.
9. Reply to new pending messages – When this option is checked if you want Jarvee to go through pending messages (messages that go in the pending requests list), approve them and then reply.
If this is unchecked, Jarvee will reply only to direct messages (messages received from followers).
If the option is checked, it will reply only to pending messages.
10. Reply to all Messages – Check this option if you want to reply to both Direct Messages and Pending requests.
11. Reply to any message, not only to messages from new users – Check this option if you want to reply to any message, not only to messages received from new users.
Only the most recent 20 direct messages will be analyzed and if the last reply from the message thread did not come from the user or account that is running the tool then it will be extracted.
The Trigger words and all the other settings will apply.
12. Prioritize message for the auto-reply – this will add the auto-reply messages at the top of the Pending Send Message List.
13. Like Message – Check this option if you want to like the direct message sent by the user. You can use this in combination with sending a text and/or photo/video or just use it by itself if you just want to like the message.
14. Send Secondary messages after certain hours – This allows you to set a certain time on when to send a secondary message as well as create a secondary message to send to users.
👉 Click here to know more about how sending secondary messages work.
15. Check for new Messages – Here you can set the time on when you want Jarvee to check for new messages.
16. Extract Now – Click this if you want Jarvee to check/extract new messages.
Send Messages
The last tab is the Send Messages sub-tab. This is the main star of the Contact Tool as this controls the entire Contact Tool.
Same with the other tools, you need to configure the SETTINGS
- ‘Wait between time’ before each new operation
- The number of messages that Jarvee will send per operation
- The maximum number of messages you want to send each day
- Certain in-between hours when the tool is going to send the messages
- And the days of the weeks when the tool will operate
Aside from the usual settings mentioned above, there are a few more options you can use such as:
- Picking a random user from the list (by default, the first name on the list is the first to be processed)
- You may delete pending messages older than X days
- Elect to prioritize replies and second messages
- Use Blacklist option to add users you don’t want to send a message to
- Suspend when temporary blocked: If you want to suspend the tool for x-y minutes when you get a temporary block error.
- You can also shorten all URLs from the messages (using the accounts configured in Settings)
- You may also unsend direct messages after x-y hours.
- Check this option to move the direct message to the General tab after sending it.
- Here you can input the time when the tool executes and an option to add intervals and randomize the time intervals daily.
- Choose the days of the week you want the tool to operate.
‘Pending Send Message’ table – all the users that are chosen to receive a message from the Use Extracted Users, Send Messages To New Followers and Auto Reply To New Messages are added here where they will queue for processing.
Additional options:
- Remove all – it will remove all pending messages in the list.
- Import Users – If you have a list of users, you can import them here.
- Import in multiple accounts – here you can import in multiple accounts, click the ‘*’ sign beside ‘INPUT MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS’ and it will open a file that contains the correct format to use in importing.
- Export All – you can export all your pending messages in an excel file with this option.
- Export Count for all Accounts – If you have multiple accounts and you want to know how many pending messages are in each account, you can click on this option and it will generate a file for you.
- Split items with specific accounts – If you want specific accounts to receive specific items in the pending messages list you can click this option and choose the specific accounts.
- Remove all from selected accounts – you can easily remove all pending messages for specific accounts by clicking this option and choosing the accounts.
‘Results’ table – users from the Pending Send Message table that have been processed are transferred and recorded here.
📌 Important things to remember:
As mentioned above, the Send Message sub-tab controls the entire Contact tool, hence if it’s not running (Status is Stopped), then none of the messages scheduled from “Use Extracted Users, Send Messages To New Followers and Auto Reply To New Messages” will be sent. Therefore, never forget to start the Contact Tool through the Send Message sub-tab.