If you own or operate a business, you know that no matter how hard you try, it’s usually impossible to get everything done by yourself. When it comes to bolstering your business’s customer service and sales funnel, the case is no different, and trying to accomplish this alone won’t get you very far.
Fortunately, you don’t have to hire full-time or salaried employees to get these jobs done. Rather, there are more innovative solutions that can make these tasks easier to accomplish without breaking the bank.
Specifically, outsourcing is a ripe practice that business owners of all levels can take advantage of to accomplish more with their businesses. As such, being exposed to ways that this practice can help you will make it easier to take the leap and start outsourcing these key components of your business.
Here are ways you can use outsourcing to improve your customer service and sales funnel.
Understanding the Customer Journey
Before you get to outsourcing, it’s important that you understand exactly what a customer journey is and how it functions. Sometimes called a buyer’s journey, a customer journey is an outline of the various stages that a customer goes through before purchasing a product or service.
Some key stages that a customer will go through include:
Awareness: This is the stage in which a potential customer becomes aware of their need or desire for something. As a result, they’ll start looking for products or services that can solve this desire. This is your chance to get your business out there so potential customers can find your product or service.
Consideration: This is the stage in which a potential customer has some solutions to their problems in mind. They will now weigh their options and determine which product or service fits their unique needs. As a result of this process, you’ll need to clearly convey the unique value of your product or service.
Decision: As you’ve probably guessed, this is the stage when a customer makes a purchasing decision. This can include either deciding to buy or deciding not to buy a specific product or service. Obviously, you’ll want to do everything you can to ensure that customers are choosing to purchase your product or service.
Now that you have a rough idea of what customers go through on their journey of eventually converting, you’ll have a better sense of what types of services to outsource. Let’s explore which services will give you the best value and have the greatest impact on your business’s customer service and sales funnel.
Outsourcing Services You Should Consider
There are many ways that you can bolster your company’s customer service and sales funnels. Knowing which types of professionals to tap can make this process far easier. As such, it’s important for you as a business operator to become familiar with different services you can take advantage of to help your business thrive.
Here are outsourcing services you should consider to improve your business’s customer service and sales funnel.
Data Analysts and Business Analysts
Though these processes may seem like intimidating terms at first glance, the concept is actually quite simple. From the data you have about your customers, such as what their buying habits are and how long they hover on different pages, meaningful insights can be gleaned.
By handing this data over to a professional, they can help uncover these key insights, which ultimately can help you improve your business. For example, a data analyst may discover that customers are more likely to buy a specific product in tandem with another product. Using this insight, you can offer them as a pair and potentially increase sales.
Though data analysis may not have been on your radar before, it can vastly improve your sales funnel in meaningful ways. This is especially useful if you’re in the midst of trying to scale and grow your business to new heights.
AI Chatbots for Customer Service
If your business is online, customers have the power to make purchases at virtually any time they want. However, this also means that they may need help at virtually any time of day. While you could spend copious amounts of money hiring a 24/7 customer service staff, this would likely end up losing you money.
Fortunately, new technology offers a ripe solution to this issue. Specifically, AI chatbots can now communicate with and guide customers through any questions or concerns that they have. This means that you’ll be able to offer 24/7 customer service without needing a human to be present.
There are a variety of services that make it easy and accessible to incorporate AI chatbots into your business website. By taking advantage of these services, you can decrease your chances of losing sales to competitors because customers can’t immediately find the help they need.
Email Marketing Campaigns
Though you may feel like you know how to write a good email, the truth is that great email campaigns utilize marketing principles to help persuade customers to make purchases. Rather than spending months or years becoming a marketing expert, outsourcing your email marketing efforts can yield you great results far quicker.
Having your brand, product, or service pop up in front of potential customers is a key way to spur more potential buyers on their customer journey. This being the case, robust and effective email campaigns can improve your sales funnel and result in a boost in sales.
No matter what size your company is, there are professionals out there who can help you craft an incredible email marketing campaign. So, whether you hire a singular freelance marketer or a large marketing firm, outsourcing your email marketing needs can be extremely beneficial.
Outsourcing Key Services Can Make It Easier to Scale Your Business
As a business operator, you recognize the immense value of growth. However, trying to grow your business all by yourself will inevitably lead to downfall and burnout. By outsourcing key services, you’ll be able to significantly improve your customer service and sales funnel.
In particular, outsourcing your data analysis, customer service, and email marketing needs can be incredibly powerful and effective. This being the case, if you’re trying to scale your business and find success, think about outsourcing some key services so you can focus on the big picture.
About the Author
Ryan Ayers is a researcher and consultant within multiple industries including information technology, blockchain and business development. Always up for a challenge, Ayers enjoys working with startups as well as Fortune 500 companies. When not at work, Ayers loves reading science fiction novels and watching the LA Clippers.
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