In today's competitive digital landscape, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a crucial component of marketing strategies for businesses across industries. The tactic helps boost brand … [Read More...] about Questions About SEO? We Have the Answers
Using Facebook in JARVEE
Facebook Like Comments
Engagement is important for growing your Page. And a good way to encourage it is to acknowledge those who are actively engaging in your posts. A simple gesture is all it takes. You can either reply to their comments or a simple thumbs up on their comment will suffice. With Jarvee, you can certainly cultivate […]
Facebook Unfriend Tool
Facebook is indeed the most successful social platform of all time. Although it was not the first of its kind, it managed to thrive throughout the years. There are so many reasons why it’s the best but before it became a marketing showground, people utilized it to reconnect and rekindle relationships with people who have […]
Facebook Delete Posts Tool
Growing a Facebook account takes time, the process starts with creating an account then warming it up which could be a pain. To address this, most marketers just opt to buy accounts that have been warmed up already. However, the issue is that you really don’t know the history of that account and that could […]
Facebook Support Inbox Tool
An excellent “support team” is as important, if not more, as your product. This promotes client satisfaction to ensure that they will continue to patronize you through hell or high water. With a massive community such as Facebook, it will be quite a challenge to monitor and cater to the needs of each user. Thus, […]
Facebook Birthday Tool
Growing your Facebook account does end with adding friends, groups and inviting to your pages. You need to actively engage with them as well. And one of the sweetest and thoughtful touch base you should always remember is to send them a greeting on their natal day. While you can manually send each of your […]
Full Browser Experience
We built The Full Browser Experience mainly for Facebook but we thought we should add it to the other social networks as well as it will make the accounts look more like normal users. We got the idea from the Preserving Security in Belgium Article written by Alex Stamos the former Chief Security Officer (CSO) […]
FB Comment & Like
JARVEE has a separate Like and Comment tool. However, for Facebook, commenting and liking are combined in one tool, the Comment&Like tool. Facebook Comment&Like tool is divided into 4 tabs: Settings, Comments/Like, Sources, and Results The Settings tab It has 4 Sections: Run Timers, Comment/Like Limits, Comment/Like Settings, and Add Comment or Like Action Run […]
The Cover Photo
Promoting your Facebook Page through regular posting, commenting, liking and so on is a good practice for growing account engagement. However, there is one strategy that would make your page more interesting. Unfortunately, most marketers take it for granted. Updating your Facebook Page’s profile image and cover image on a regular basis is a great […]
The Facebook Account Actions Tool
Account Actions is a tool specific to Facebook. You can utilize it to automatically accept friends, like posts from your newsfeed, poke friends, and mark notifications as read. In a nutshell, it’s the tool that you can use to make your account look more natural or mimic human behavior. How to use the Account Actions: […]
The Accept Members Tool
The JARVEE Accept tool is available to Facebook and Linkedin. It allows you to make the most out of your time by automatically accepting group members in your Facebook groups and accept connection requests for Linkedin. This will come in handy if you are looking into managing and expanding your groups without having to manually […]